Concealed Permit:
May Issue to Residents only.
Issuing Authority:
In an exceptional case, when the applicant shows reason to fear injury to his person or property, the respective chief of police may grant a license to carry a concealed firearm on his person within the county where the license is granted to a U.S. citizen or duly accredited official representative of a foreign nation age 21 or older.
Where the urgency of the need has been sufficiently indicated to the respective chief of police, he may grant to an applicant of good moral character who is a citizen of the U S. of the age of 21 or older, who is engaged in the protection of life and property, a license to carry a handgun unconcealed on his person within the county where the license is granted.
NICS/Background Check:
NICS is performed uplon application.
Permit Valid For:
Licenses to carry are valid for one year.
Permit Issued Timeline:
There is a license fee of $10.00.
1. Show reason to fear injury to his person or property
2. Citizen of the United States
3. At least 21 years of age
4. Qualify to own a firearm under Section 7 of Chapter 134 of the Hawaii State Statutes. This section describes the disqualifying criminal background factors.
5. Sane
6. Qualified to use the firearm
Required Documents:
Renewal Information:
Change of Name or Address:
Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Permits:
Informing Law Enforcement of Carry:
Automobile carry:
It is unlawful for any person on any public highway to carry on the person, possess, or to carry in a vehicle any loaded or unloaded firearm without a license to carry.
Places off-limits when carrying:
Alcohol and Drugs:
It is unlawful for a person to own, possess or control any firearm or ammunition if he is a fugitive from justice or has been convicted of a felony or of the illegal use, possession or sale of any drug, any person who is less than 25 and has been adjudicated by the family court to have committed a felony, two or more crimes of violence, or illegal sale of drugs; addicted to alcohol, committed to a mental institution or has been diagnosed as having mental disorders unless the person has been medically documented to be no longer adversely affected by the addiction, abuse, dependence or mental illness; or any person under a restraining order by any court.