Super Freak
How can I be guilty of "using this horrific tragedy as an excuse to troll a bull____ agenda" if I simultaneously fail to "acknowledge a tragedy took place"?
By the way I checked and it took you 40 posts to call this a "tragedy". Oops.
Well, troll, if you'd been here since the beginning you'd know that there've been several posts deleted in the beginning of the thread. But given your sole agenda is to utilize this tragedy as a means to troll your anti-gun agenda, you wouldn't care. Funny thing is, all you're doing is proving how insensitive you are and that you're shameless and stuck up enough to use the deaths and injuries of many, including an infant, to soapbox.

all of those you have listed are traumatic events. no it doesnt make me "better" but i am surely not as "troubled".
no "normal" person goes to a psychiatrist for the hell of it.
Oxymoronic. Whether someone pays for a professional to tell their problems to, or the vent to their "moms" it's the same thing. One is licensed and one is not, but both are essentially counselors. In difficult times normal people seek out some form of counseling to help them through. The sick people are the ones who refuse to admit they have a problem and ignore it hoping it'll go away.