Limiting aid programs would be a good start. Force those abusing the system to get off their ***** and get work. Many who're leeching off the system right now refuse to work because they deem some forms of employment beneath them.
especially the refuse to work portion. The limiting of welfar programs in the 90's and early 2000's worked wonder for reducing unemployment. People who don't want to work, should not be paid to sit on their ***** at home.
Right there is the disconnect in your mindset. There is a reason it is called social democracy.
You react as if the social welfare system was imposed by dictatorial fiat as in Communist states. In Western Europe, North America and scattered other developed nations, social welfare systems have been implemented by democratic governments out of enlightened self-interest. And after almost a century, the only nation with entrenched, albeit minority opposition to the core of social democracy is the United States.
Your lot refuses ultimately to accept a populace and ultimately government that does not share your vision of society. The birther movement is the most absurd manifestation of that trend.
And if your views are that of some silent majority, then why do libertarian candidates barely make it into public office? Why did Ron Paul lose to Mitt in the primaries?
People do not want your vision of society because most voters, even conservative ones, realise that it has been tried and failed.
I seem to recall many of the social welfare programs were basically forced on the American people as if by a dictator. FDR's "New Deal" Obama has basically turned his Presidency into a dictatorship as he chooses to circumvent the checks and balances imposed by the Constitution.
Your philosophy is of entitlement is what is absolutely wrong with this country. To many people enjoying their hand outs and not bothering to make an investment into the country. The welfare programs you praise have eroded our society. When you have people saying its easier to mooch off the system instead of getting a minimum wage job you have serious problems. I grew up in poverty and through hard work and schooling I managed to move up to middle class. I am in danger of moving back down into poverty because of the strain these welfare programs are having on the economy. I'm a teacher. I have always made sure to be responsible with my finances. I have never made decisions to live beyond my means, when I bought a house I didn't use crazy interest only programs to try to avert the system. I have always lived within my means. But because of idiots who think its their god given right to sit on their ***** and not work, who were stupid and bought houses well beyond their means, and who saw their credit cards as free money, I am in danger. You see, these precious government welfare programs you value so much are leaching money from other, more important, government programs. Education programs have never, ever, been full funded. And now they are being cut to the bone to fund other programs. My salary has dropped each of the last four years as I am being forced to take furlough days because school systems can't afford to meet their financial obligations any longer. Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be able to see that the number one thing that will help a nation and its people get out of poverty and make better lives for themselves is education. But people like you for some reason would rather see that money earmarked for education go to lazy people who sit on their ***** at home. I cannot fathom your logic.
oh and Ron Paul lost because of his stance on foreign affairs, not because of his economic policy.
In a system without any social programs... i.e.... "Personal Responsibility"... People would only become more desperate. More crime, more homelessness, less money in the system, failed businesses, etc. Some of us have fought tooth and nail to get whatever we could, yet we still hang precariously close to the edge... one paycheck from falling off of a cliff into poverty.
This painting a portrait of people who use social welfare programs as "freeloaders" who are milking the system... laughing their way to the bank is insulting to the majority of us that were forced into using them... to our SHAME... because of flat out dire need.
I don't tell everyone that I am on Food Stamps or Medicaid, because you feel horrible for having to do it. I am a knot of tension all day long because I feel like I have no way to fix my scenario. I have filled out 40 applications in the past 3 months since school ended.
And I don't feel like minimum wage jobs are "beneath me"... like I am too good for them. It's just that the minimum wage is so laughable and insulting that it is impossible to live off of it, even if you work two jobs and never sleep. Especially if you have kids and live anywhere but rent regulated apartments. So why kill yourself just to pay for childcare and gas, when you could try to wait for a better job that will pay enough to take care of your family?
I know there are people who gladly abuse the system... but don't lump all people into that category and live in a fantasy world where things would be "awesome" if we just did away with the programs and let people fend for themselves.
This is the biggest bunch of BS I have read. You can keep telling yourself that if it helps you feel better about yourself, but it is blatantly untrue. I know many many people who get off their ***** and get minimum wage jobs to take care of their family and not be a drain on society. Choosing not to work should not be a choice. If your physically able to go out and get a job and chose not to then you shouldn't be able to assistance.
On a side note, I think anyone who gets aid and does not have a job should have to show up and work for the government every day. Doing thinks like trash pick up on the sides of the road, raking leaves in parks, cleaning public buildings, etc. Or they have to be taking classes for job training. No one should be able to sit on their ass at home while taking government handouts.
It's part of living in society. I have paid taxes for years, and I never gave a damn that it paid for people who needed help. In fact, I was happy about it. It's a cost we pay to live in a society that has services such as roads, public workers, parks, safe streets, etc.
And when I put my degree to good use, I will pay BACK into the system. I'm not going to stay on it forever, nor will my kid..
And besides... I paid my debt to society. I served this country and bled for this place. I earned my college education, and paid for a good bit of it with my investment in the GI Bill when I was active duty. If I have to spend a few months on Food Stamps to make sure my family doesn't starve... I feel like I have earned the right to do so... with interest.
I will never cry about paying taxes. I'm a patriot doing my patriotic duty when I pay taxes. It's paying for this society we live in, and it's all necessary. Every last cent.
Let me ask you this. Did you use the money you got from student loans, or education aid all for school? I thought I read in your threads that you used some of it to buy paints and ship packages for custom jobs you took payment for but didn't complete. Didn't you buy expensive crap like a Ghost Busters proton pack and Friday the 13th mask when you were having financial difficulties? Wouldn't you characterize that as an abuse of the system?
Canadian banking has always better managed than banking in the U.S., for some reason. Anti-branching laws had a terrible effect on us during the '29 crash. Canada didn't have that problem.
The current crisis is similar. I know TD didn't take any of the hits from the housing collapse. Again, they weren't forced to make bad loans on a macro scale. They were also responsible enough to stay away from sub-prime. Add to that the fact that your currency wasn't bound to repeated bailouts totalling in the hundreds of billions (plus the ones no one was told about), which ended up monetized by the central bank and I can see how you guys made out.
Good job. Too bad the American system appears to be incapable of learning from its own evils. Even the banks that knew better, and refused assistance were told they have no choice.
The housing crisis in America was brought about by those stupid welfare programs that Star Puffs and Darkartist like so much. The government forced new regulation on banks to provide just about everyone with mortgages no mater their income or finances. They said everyone was
entitled to own a house. Before those regulations were forced on banks you needed to have about 10-20% of the house's purchase price saved up for a down payment. You were also only allowed to purchase a house within your means. When my wife and I were looking to buy our first house I was absolutely stunned by how reckless these interest only mortgage programs were, and just about every real estate agent was trying to force one on us. My wife, who is a teacher and made about $40,000 at the time was qualified for a $300,000 mortgage. WTF. What is sad though is the number of people who took advantage of the program. People who thought it was a good idea to buy a $200,000 house on an income of $30,000 a year. But its not their fault, after all their entitled to have the same home as someone who makes $90,000 a year aren't they?