12 shot dead at movie theater

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Sorry, I was out golfing. What'd I miss? (besides the hole on a few putts)

Guns are still either bad or good, alot of it still seems to be dependent upon where you live.

Politics make for boring threads except the occasional person who has an actual interesting theory rather than what most of the posts are made up of ...90% regurgitated crap.

If you read carefully enough you can actually find some stuff about Christian Bale and the victims.

So basically, you missed nothing. :wave
I really hate reading about politics on this board. Occasionally there can be a civil and informative discussion - but usually it just becomes a bunch of people telling the other people they are idiots for not believing what they believe and it goes back and forth.

I don't come on this board to read this crap - and I'm sure a lot of other members don't either. If I want to have a political debate I would go to a site that was geared towards that.

All these people with their different political ideas on how this country should be run - I wonder how many actually do something. How many are at political rallies or working with grassroots organizations that support their ideas. Or how many just like to be armchair warriors and spout off on collectible forums. For those of you who are out there doing something about what you believe in - good on you. Whether I agree with your political views or not - I have great respect for people who are moved to action.

Now Jen I love yah but you don't have to read them. :lol:wink1:

This is one of my favorite threads because for the most part 191 pages in it has been pretty civil. Heated but civil.
Now Jen I love yah but you don't have to read them. :lol:wink1:

This is one of my favorite threads because for the most part 191 pages in it has been pretty civil. Heated but civil.

You've got a good point. I think most readers knew where this kind of thread would /could travel.

I would guess those not enjoying the political slant are the ones who stuck their heads in, expressed condolences and never returned.
I really hate reading about politics on this board. Occasionally there can be a civil and informative discussion - but usually it just becomes a bunch of people telling the other people they are idiots for not believing what they believe and it goes back and forth.

I don't come on this board to read this crap - and I'm sure a lot of other members don't either. If I want to have a political debate I would go to a site that was geared towards that.

All these people with their different political ideas on how this country should be run - I wonder how many actually do something. How many are at political rallies or working with grassroots organizations that support their ideas. Or how many just like to be armchair warriors and spout off on collectible forums. For those of you who are out there doing something about what you believe in - good on you. Whether I agree with your political views or not - I have great respect for people who are moved to action.

Politics is a real subject. There are lots of subjects on this forum that have nothing to do with the primary subject. Like all forums of this type, the primary subject brings us together, but the discussion will go other places as well no different than meeting at a bar or church or school.

I have been on other forums that have specific sections dedicated to religion and politics. Some of them are hidden areas and only those who have shown to be capable of a level-headed conversation are given access. Politics is not a horrible evil to be feared. And a forum like this is a great place for people to share their ideas on the subject. It is actually kind of a waste of opportunity to dis-allow it.
I really hate reading about politics on this board. Occasionally there can be a civil and informative discussion - but usually it just becomes a bunch of people telling the other people they are idiots for not believing what they believe and it goes back and forth.

I don't come on this board to read this crap - and I'm sure a lot of other members don't either. If I want to have a political debate I would go to a site that was geared towards that.

All these people with their different political ideas on how this country should be run - I wonder how many actually do something. How many are at political rallies or working with grassroots organizations that support their ideas. Or how many just like to be armchair warriors and spout off on collectible forums. For those of you who are out there doing something about what you believe in - good on you. Whether I agree with your political views or not - I have great respect for people who are moved to action.

I am very active politically and even ran for office (all be it small) back when I was in college. That aside, I think you are incredible mistaken to associate "actually doing something" with only the things you mentioned and not simply discussing your beliefs and opinions on message boards. Sharing your thoughts and opinions is the very basis of politics. Open honest discussion is the very basis of politics. Weather you want to believe it or not, most news agencies no longer simply report the news in a factual manner. They now have agendas and belief systems they are trying to convince the American people to follow. So should we just sit here like sheep and let it happen, or should we share facts and evidence whenever we can so people are more able to make an informed and educated decision?
This is the biggest bunch of BS I have read. You can keep telling yourself that if it helps you feel better about yourself, but it is blatantly untrue. I know many many people who get off their ***** and get minimum wage jobs to take care of their family and not be a drain on society. Choosing not to work should not be a choice. If your physically able to go out and get a job and chose not to then you shouldn't be able to assistance.

On a side note, I think anyone who gets aid and does not have a job should have to show up and work for the government every day. Doing thinks like trash pick up on the sides of the road, raking leaves in parks, cleaning public buildings, etc. Or they have to be taking classes for job training. No one should be able to sit on their ass at home while taking government handouts.

Let me ask you this. Did you use the money you got from student loans, or education aid all for school? I thought I read in your threads that you used some of it to buy paints and ship packages for custom jobs you took payment for but didn't complete. Didn't you buy expensive crap like a Ghost Busters proton pack and Friday the 13th mask when you were having financial difficulties? Wouldn't you characterize that as an abuse of the system?

Ok, first off..... stop making assumptions about me and the situation I am in. Secondly, the COST of daycare... which if I had a job we would have to put my son in... is almost a full check from a minimum wage job if I decided to "buck up" and get to work. So should I do that, just to break my body and spirit.. to appease A-holes who look down at my situation? That makes no sense and you know it. And I HAVE put in applications for some places that fork out just a little over minimum wage... and they won't hire me because I am overqualified. :gah:

And as for school money, I got GI Bill payments... that I paid for when I was active duty. I got student loans.. and only very little in grants. The loans were sometimes used for bills. And I was working when I bought the proton pack. :wink1:

Any stupid stuff that was bought with the loans, which wasn't much... is money that I will have to pay back... not any money from the system. So I don't see what your point is there, besides trying to "catch" me with some sort of crazy abuse of the system. I don't get a check from the government for anything, and I never have. I get food stamps, and that pays only for food. I've only been on it for 3 months.

I'm not saying we don't need regulation and oversight with these programs, because we do. That's not the issue. Getting rid of programs and telling people to fend for themselves is another thing altogether. And I think any of us with a working brain can think of what kind of insanity we would be in for if we did get rid of them all. I don't want us to be turned into Europe, like your talking heads would have you believe. I think Canada has a pretty nice system, and they seem to be doing just fine the last time I checked.
I really hate reading about politics on this board. Occasionally there can be a civil and informative discussion - but usually it just becomes a bunch of people telling the other people they are idiots for not believing what they believe and it goes back and forth.

I don't come on this board to read this crap - and I'm sure a lot of other members don't either. If I want to have a political debate I would go to a site that was geared towards that.

All these people with their different political ideas on how this country should be run - I wonder how many actually do something. How many are at political rallies or working with grassroots organizations that support their ideas. Or how many just like to be armchair warriors and spout off on collectible forums. For those of you who are out there doing something about what you believe in - good on you. Whether I agree with your political views or not - I have great respect for people who are moved to action.

Great post Jen, and I agree entirely.
Now Jen I love yah but you don't have to read them. :lol:wink1:

This is one of my favorite threads because for the most part 191 pages in it has been pretty civil. Heated but civil.

Actually, I kinda do since I am a mod in this section.

The rules of this board are that political and religious talk are highly discouraged. If people can have a debate and remain civil and respectful then fine.

But there are too many people on here that seem to have difficulty with that. The minute the insults start getting thrown out...then I think it is time to reign the conversation in.
wait what? :dunno

I agree.. If you notice, I only commented on things a few times. People started spouting off at the mouth about everything else. It became less about the tragedy of these people and more about the conservative agenda. It started with gun control, which at least was topical... and then it began to spiral, ending up on the talking point of the "nanny state" and "nutty liberals" and "social programs". I keep waiting for abortion and gay rights to come up.

Any time I came in to comment, my life was scrutinized and people tried to make it personal. So I commented more.

I think this thread has long ago lost it's point. And if people are passionate about this stuff, they should share the word on Facebook, go to rallies, protest.... do whatever they can. Participate.

So I agree. Is that sufficient information or do you need more. :lol
I am very active politically and even ran for office (all be it small) back when I was in college. That aside, I think you are incredible mistaken to associate "actually doing something" with only the things you mentioned and not simply discussing your beliefs and opinions on message boards. Sharing your thoughts and opinions is the very basis of politics. Open honest discussion is the very basis of politics. Weather you want to believe it or not, most news agencies no longer simply report the news in a factual manner. They now have agendas and belief systems they are trying to convince the American people to follow. So should we just sit here like sheep and let it happen, or should we share facts and evidence whenever we can so people are more able to make an informed and educated decision?

Most people come to a board such as this as escapism. If I want to talk politics or read about different points of view on a political manner - well Sideshow Freaks would not be the first site that pops into my head to go visit. Yes, there are going to be events that happen that people here are going to want to discuss - and politics usually does have a way of showing up in those discussions. All I'm saying is for people to please be respectful. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, calling them a "retard" or "idiot" or a "mongoloid" or a "sheep" is just not ok in my book.
Interesting, lets get this back on track:

Washington (CNN) -- In the aftermath of last week's deadly Colorado movie theater shooting, background checks for those wanting to purchase guns in the state spiked more than 40%, authorities said Tuesday.

Data supplied by by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation shows that from Friday through Sunday, a total of 2,887 people were approved to buy firearms. That's a 43% increase over the previous Friday through Sunday, when 2,012 background checks cleared.

On the Friday and Saturday right after the shooting, more than 1,200 applicants were approved on each of those two days. Figures from earlier in the month showed a low of 820 and a high of 929 approvals on Fridays and Saturdays through the state's InstaCheck unit.
and Josh, if your serious about getting a teaching job you have a couple of other options. You can teach overseas. Countries like Japan pay top dollar to have American Teachers come over there and teach English. The US also has programs kind of like the peace corp where you sign up and they place you in an inner city school district somewhere in the country (you have little say) and in return for a three year contract you get a salary and your student loans paid off. One of your best options since you were in the military is become a DOD teacher. You have no choice where you get stationed as a teacher, but you would have a salary and benefits just like if you were active duty military.

Josh got a teaching job a couple of days ago! :yess:
I WISH I did. And I can't go overseas nor can I move around... I have a house here and my family can't relocate. But it would be nice, just not feasible right now.
I can see some politics being involved - regarding gun issues - since this was a shooting. People are looking for a reason that this horrible act happened and there will be those who choose to believe this may be some govt. ploy.

But this thread has really gotten off track. Talk of welfare, the housing crisis, etc...really have no place in this thread.

Jen, Bale still looks hot, doesn't he? :D
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