12" Sideshow Henry Jones Sr

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Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

sideshow really needs to make sure he looks like this in hand. nothing worse than being let down after such high expectations. i knew belloq wasnt great from the pics, but toht? damn. :( i really dont understand how they can have a completely different head and glasses and it be for the worse.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Looks like maybe a new sculptor in the 1/6 arena, I don't recognize any sculptor names in the listing of those involved.

Whoever did it has the wondeful skill of capturing character as well as likeness in the portrait.

No, its more Trevawesomeness!!:joy:joy
(Trevawesomeness is copyright 2009 Spartan Rex)
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Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

No, its more Trevawesomeness!!:joy:joy
(Trevawesomeness is copyright 2009 Spartan Rex)

Well, I guess this puts the discussion over which likness is best-Medi or Sideshow-to rest. Sideshow wins hands-down. What an awesome figure by the way. Love the sculpt, love the clothes, love the accessories. Can't wait to have him in hand.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Both sculpts are spot-on likeness wise imo, but I think Trevor's does a better job of conveying the attitude of the character.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Both sculpts are spot-on likeness wise imo, but I think Trevor's does a better job of conveying the attitude of the character.

After the likness this is the second most important thing in a good sculpt imho. I hate the blank faced sculpts.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

After the likness this is the second most important thing in a good sculpt imho. I hate the blank faced sculpts.

I'm right there with you my brother. I've railed for many a year against what I like to call the "Sideshow poker face."
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

But then they do something like Leia and have her face in a non "blank" stare and everyone hates it and says it would be better with her looking forward.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

But then they do something like Leia and have her face in a non "blank" stare and everyone hates it and says it would be better with her looking forward.

Yup. As much as it pains me, most people seem to prefer the blank stare. :huh
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

A great shot in the arm for this line!
Kudos to Sideshow for assigning Trevor(the hardest working man in the fig biz)to this figure.
C'mon Sideshow try Young River/Indy. You can do him right.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

A great shot in the arm for this line!
Kudos to Sideshow for assigning Trevor(the hardest working man in the fig biz)to this figure.
C'mon Sideshow try Young River/Indy. You can do him right.

Yes, young Indy and Short Round. Put that hobbit body to work!
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Yup. As much as it pains me, most people seem to prefer the blank stare. :huh

I'd prefer the blank stare a hundred times over before extreme, exaggerated expressions.

Ideally they are ones like this which emote subtlety.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones


Hot dam Lakers win Now this it a great day....only one question where should I order him from???:gun
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

He looksh great to me shculpturally but overall body appearance sheems a tad shtumpy to me. Perhaps a TT body will make him more elongated and less fat looking. And as it usually is with suited characters, a longer neck is needed. Has it really been stated or is it pure conjecture that they're off Raiders already? I NEED A MARCUS!!! (and not a silly LC one... The serious guy we met in Raiders.)
I like the figure here a lot and am personally happy they went with the sculpted hat (stretching thick fabric over the head usually results in a huge hat or compromised hair. I love that the Indy came with two heads, wish more hatted figs came that way. Since Senior has little hair, this separate hat works fine.
I can't wait till this guy starts shipping!
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Actually if you use toupee tape and redress this figure it'll look phenomenal. The clothes will stay close to the body and really show it off.