12" Sideshow Henry Jones Sr

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Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I'd really like to see a SS Sallah figure and a SS Mutt. Maybe a SS Brody as well.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I agree, Mutt is low on my list, but I was thinking that a display of Indy with each of his 'sidekicks' from each movie might look kinda cool.

ROTLA - Indy and Sallah OR Indy and Marion (Streets Of Cairo)
TOD - Indy and Shorty
TLC - Indy and Henry Sr.
KOTCS - Indy and Mutt
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I'd rather have this guy than Mutt. ;)


P.S. I can't believe how easy it was to find his picture. Bless Google.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Do a Deitrich with an emploding face accessory to compliment Toht. :rock
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Do a Deitrich with an emploding face accessory to compliment Toht. :rock

YES!!! Would look GREAT with the ARK display...then we just need a Ceremonial Belloq. He really only needs the one head sculpt, just pop that head off, Voila!, instant 'exploded Belloq' head! :lol
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Most stupid question of the day : would it be possible to put the Prometeus neck onto the old Buck.

Reason is that the Prometheus is small and the Buck taller - this is for me the better representative body for Sean Connery.

Don't care much of the limitations in posing of the Buck, but Henry is no ninja afterall.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Most stupid question of the day : would it be possible to put the Prometeus neck onto the old Buck.

Reason is that the Prometheus is small and the Buck taller - this is for me the better representative body for Sean Connery.

Don't care much of the limitations in posing of the Buck, but Henry is no ninja afterall.

Hopefully by Q4, they'll have Henry on the taller Pro:

Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Did not see those before. That is great for the customizers abroad and to improve on an already nice figure(s).
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

Most stupid question of the day : would it be possible to put the Prometeus neck onto the old Buck.

Possible, but it won't be simple. The Pro neck connects by a ball joint in the torso, the Buck neck is a small adapter with a spring inside it and a small, flat circle at the end of a rod coming up from the torso. You'd have to figure out a way to add a ball joing to the end of the rod in the Buck body in order to attach the Pro head. Pro neck and Hot Toys TT necks are compatible, might just be easier getting the new narrow TrueType or the slim TT for this.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I agree, Mutt is low on my list, but I was thinking that a display of Indy with each of his 'sidekicks' from each movie might look kinda cool.

ROTLA - Indy and Sallah OR Indy and Marion (Streets Of Cairo)
TOD - Indy and Shorty
TLC - Indy and Henry Sr.
KOTCS - Indy and Mutt

This is what I was thinking more on the lines of, sidekicks. I liked KOTCS whether anyone else did or not and Mutt is just about it for that movie.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I would like to see Sallah, Marion, Mola Ram, Short Round, Elsa, and he's my least favorite, but he is the sidekick of the 4th movie......Mutt. These would be future releases I would like to see, especially the first 3 I mentioned.
Re: 12" Sideshow Henry Jones

I missed first version of Indy but I'll buy Henry Jones for sure. Do you think SSC will release another Indy in jacket?