15 Day notice for Illum Padme!

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I hope this means I get a shipping notice today as well, I was wondering what happened since SS pre-authed my card last week and I haven't received a notice. :confused:
eesh, she looks awful form the promo pics.

Why wasn't Mara Jade chosen? :monkey4
eesh, she looks awful form the promo pics.

Why wasn't Mara Jade chosen? :monkey4
it doesn't make sense. why would chewbacca want to live on endor with a bunch of 3 foot tall ewoks? it doesn't make sense. kinda hoping the final product looks better on this one. dont think ill get her though.
Shipped, due Friday :rock


The Josh said:
Due Friday here as well.


Now take some pictures--- I had to cancel direct from SS and thus I have to wait probably another month to get her from my Canadian supplier (cheaper $$$ but longer wait :monkey2). Livin' vicariously through you guys until then.
Nothin' yet...still at "Item Shipping Soon"

Sheesh...they could put it on the same east-coast destination plane/truck as Sean's but nooooo.... :rolleyes:

Maybe next week...