15 Day notice for Illum Padme!

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If there sculpted open would it not look weird to see the eyelid lines on the figure painted a skin color?
You going to make her whole death bed they carted her through Naboo in?

Its gonna be sculpted on top of the body by the same person who did the Death of Buffy sculpture (based on one of the SS BTVS figures). Willowswarlock (I think thats their name) is really great at that stuff... So yeah, it will be her in her coffin. :monkey2
If there sculpted open would it not look weird to see the eyelid lines on the figure painted a skin color?

I'm sure someone could fill them in then paint them to look closed, or depeding on where you view it from, you could just paint them to look closed well enough.
I'm sure someone could fill them in then paint them to look closed, or depeding on where you view it from, you could just paint them to look closed well enough.

Or put two coin over her eyes for the ferryman.
so can someone explain to me why sideshow continues to make the gloves too long which gives the figures monkey arms??
Its gonna be sculpted on top of the body by the same person who did the Death of Buffy sculpture (based on one of the SS BTVS figures). Willowswarlock (I think thats their name) is really great at that stuff... So yeah, it will be her in her coffin. :monkey2

Should look great, I wish William's music from that moment was available, it was beautiful.


Just pose her with the binoculars up to her face
so can someone explain to me why sideshow continues to make the gloves too long which gives the figures monkey arms??

Thats a question I have have as well, on Maul its not so bad, but on Padme here it does look funky.
Nice pics Trev. Mine looks like Trev's but the eyes are a definite choice I wouldn't have made. The arms look longer because of the length of gloves and the fact there's nothing to break up the line since she doesn't have wrist joints. And since she doesn't have wrist joints she can't hold the binocs up to her face. The suit looks much better than the proto and they've managed to avoid unsightly panty (or other types) of lines. The holster doesn't sit on her hip very well though.

The sculpt is great although the dramatic eyes might make you think the sculpt is deficient in some way.



I think an Evie or a dead Padme might be the way to go with this figure.

Who voted for this figure? Come on, raise your hands...

How could you pick this over Kir Kanos??? Thrawn?? Quinlan Vos?? and even Mara Jade????? I don't collect the OT/PT SW figures (I'm mostly a fan of the "old school" EU stuff) but I would've bought up one of the other EU figures.

Well maybe it's a good thing to get this out now since Sideshow just got a new body and started doing armor.