15 Day notice for Illum Padme!

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Hey maybe the eyes and the arm length are some of those "Lucas Film" decisions that people like to throw around for excuses........:lol

That's actually not an excuse a lot of the time... it's the sad truth. I don't think so in this case, however. These look like creative decisions by the SSC production team.
I just got the figure and it also has the wonky eye.


I wonder if they decided at the last minute to try and emulate the GG animated statue by painting the eyes that way. I just can't think of any other basis for it.
What's the deal with the black string on the cape clasp, too?


That should have been blue/white like everything else.


I'm going to end up spending a total of near $100 to make this figure look the way it should have for $50-60. :(
Hey maybe the eyes and the arm length are some of those "Lucas Film" decisions that people like to throw around for excuses........:lol

Some people may toss the concept of LFL decisions too much in instances where it's just a problem and they're trying to place blame, but there are flat out cases where LFL's say has been damaging to the figure. Mace Windu's headsculpt was retooled because of what LFL said and it hurt an amazing sculpt. Sometimes those putzes at LFL don't know their head from their ass and still make executive decisions. Nothing about Padme makes me think "thanks LFL".
Going against the grain here but I really like this figure. To be honest I'm probably in the very small minority but I tend to find a pose that I like, suits the figure and for the most part leave it.

This pic shows how truly 'portman-like' the sculpt is.

You're probably a majority, I'm probably the minority.

Most people around her know how extensively I photograph and work with these figures, so my frustrations tend to be relative only to myself as most others could work around the issues. If I were a "throw it on the shelf" collector. I can think of some nice poses that work with the posed eyes and have her look great. As someone that creates art with these figures, I'm always hoping for them to come out in ways that maximize what I can do and get frustrated when certain things happen that create limitations.
Some people may toss the concept of LFL decisions too much in instances where it's just a problem and they're trying to place blame, but there are flat out cases where LFL's say has been damaging to the figure. Mace Windu's headsculpt was retooled because of what LFL said and it hurt an amazing sculpt. Sometimes those putzes at LFL don't know their head from their ass and still make executive decisions. Nothing about Padme makes me think "thanks LFL".

Yup, its not some lame excuse. It flat out does happen. More so than what we would want to know I would say.
I'm not saying the LFL excuse isn't a possibility for some things, but I definately think its thrown around by A LOT of people who have as little clue about what LFL is up to as I do with SSC.

I think sometimes its wishful thinking to want LFL to take the blame rather than SSC.
There are definitely times some people will immediately go to it being LFL's fault it something doesn't turn out as expected. There are definite times where LFL is solely to blame, and others when LFL has nothing to do with the problem.
This figure was DOOMED the moment it went on the poll. Her costume is just not translatable from the animation to real-life materials. Thats where this figure went wrong: from the very start.
This figure had low expectations to begin with and as I see the final piece in hand it turned out better than expected although the eyes thing really throws a question mark on "what they were thinking" but all in all, I like it. Definitely going to be one of those love/hate kind of figures and still leaps and bounds better than Yavin Luke. :lol
i think the costume looks ok, the cape is the coolest thing of this figure.

It's the expression and eyes that is horrendous imo. and the head looks too big, maybe just the angle or pics.
There are definitely times some people will immediately go to it being LFL's fault it something doesn't turn out as expected. There are definite times where LFL is solely to blame, and others when LFL has nothing to do with the problem.

In the end, though, it doesn't really matter whose fault it is. If the figure is flawed, it's flawed, and I don't see how it would make me feel any better to know that it was the result of dictates from LFL.
I think the figure turned out fine. I might feel different if SSC wasn't expanding on CW based figures, but with Asajj already (I prefer her with the cartoon, white eyed head), Obi-Wan on the table and Padme arriving, I like the idea of having a CW collection going.
In the end, though, it doesn't really matter whose fault it is. If the figure is flawed, it's flawed, and I don't see how it would make me feel any better to know that it was the result of dictates from LFL.

I never feel better when it's LFL, I feel worse. If something goes wrong with the exection of a piece, it's an issue, but it's liveable for me. If some suit who doesn't understand matters enough starts calling shots that prevent a better product from being delivered, that's frustrating.
I think the monkey arms are just killing it for me. We'll see once I get her if I can futz it out or find a pose that it won't be so obvious, but the arm issue has brought many otherwise great figures to the point I don't like looking at them...Bespin Han, Yavin Luke, Jedi Luke and even Maul...
Also, keep in mind that nothing ever gets released without the Approval of Lucasfilm Licensing.

I don't know if that makes them ultimately culpable though. They authorize bubblebath toppers and party favors too so their level of quality might not exactly be high to begin with.

If LFL came back and said, "make the arms longer" I blame them. If LFL failed to say "make them shorter" I really can't put it on them.