Super Freak
They're also now saying it's most likly the majority of the fathers were adults.
Stay classy Worcester.
They're also now saying it's most likly the majority of the fathers were adults.
Stay classy Worcester.
Welcome to Worcester...$1.25, please!
You might want to take all the flashing lights out, it draws too much attention!![]()
Now you've got idiots out there blaming the movies "Juno" and "Knocked Up."
These girls know what they're doing and they're making a massive mistake.
Just a shame...
This is just dumb in so many ways, I can't even articulate the words. And of course the media would blame popular culture for this situation, which is idiotic.
The truth is that our society is dumbing itself down a bit, not to mention that kids get more influence from other people than their parents these days.. with so much available at their fingertips... cell phones and the internet...
It's one thing to blame the parents, but this is bigger than that... it's not just the failure of the parents, these kids are 17. They should know better. School, parents example and LIFE itself should have taught these girls to know better. If they were 13 or 14... I would change my tune... but they are old enough to know better.
It's just a sad indicator of where we are headed as a society, babies are accessories... nobody reads, kids walk around the mall with their bluetooth headsets, talking to themselves.... 13 yr olds haunting Starbucks.. It's sad. Every day I have to go out there and be a part of it all, I get a sick feeling in my gut. We are so screwed as a people.![]()
And how many of them have or have held hard working jobs? When I was 14 up until I graduated, my parents made sure me and my sister were to busy studying AND working to get in this sort of trouble. Seems like majority of parent today think a job is optional for their kids, which further engrains that entitlement mentality seen today in so much of the youth.
Seems like majority of parent today think a job is optional for their kids, which further engrains that entitlement mentality seen today in so much of the youth.