Super Freak
You were listening to 92.3 KTAR too, huh? This story was the subject of the afternoon drive.
HA! That's where I heard it! Then later on with some quotes from random folks on the street. Buncha morons...
You were listening to 92.3 KTAR too, huh? This story was the subject of the afternoon drive.
You know that homeless guy was bragging to all his friends. "You'll never guess what happened to me last night!"
A job isn't the answer. Kids are going to find ways to do what they want. There is a laundry list of reasons why kids will try to quickly get into sexual experiences from exposure to early in their developmental years to wanting to replace voids in their own lives to just wanting to see what the hell is the big deal.
I remember being in 6th grade and hearing about people having sex, calling bull^^^^, only to hear from eye witnesses at a party that the couple put on a live show to prove themselves. I remember having options to have sex in 8th grade but being too scared of getting the girl pregnant to try and I remember a ton of friends whose "gloves were off" in 9th grade in terms of sex. most of them had jobs. The thing is 14 year old, at least in my area, can only work 4 hours a day....that leaves plenty of time for other things if you are actively looking for it.
I'll never forget a friend of mine, Monica, who got pregnant in the first month of our 9th grade year. I also remember her three year old at Graduation and the fight she had to put up to return to regular school and not be forced to go to the continuation school.
This isn't a new issue its just getting the attention now. Many people just put their hands to their ears when they hear about these issues as young as eleven but as a teacher you hear about them all from colleagues, just a couple of weeks ago a 6th grade girl was suspended for servicing a boy behind the gym. Unfortunately that is reality.
I still say it's lazy, disengaged, and often ignorant parenting.
Bingo. I agree. A job for the kid ain't gonna fix this. Many parents are willing to think that their kids wouldn't do that. Many are willing to let the schools educate their kids and some are willing to let the schools educate their kids. Some are willing to let TV educate their kids.
Yes I agree that jobs are good for building character but I'll take a parent more involved in their kids lives and really talking and educating their kids over one who forces their kids down to McDonalds to pull a check.
could be worse, they could have made a pack to all get pregnant and then all get abortions![]()
are you freaking kidding me??
i was watching fox [its my favorite sitcom] and i saw this story run. Its about 17 girls that made a pact to get pregnant so they could raise their children together. one of the father's was a 24 year old homeless man. Now what the frak is going on in our culture?! Right after the story aired i also heard that Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth [TAKING ALL BETS TO HOW LONG IT TAKES TILL THIS HAPPENS AGAIN!] Is it something in the water or are our kids just getting more retarded by the hour?
What ever happened to "the talk"? what ever happened to not raising your child like a whore or a pimp? It just really phases my mind on how retarded our kids are getting nowadays. How do you feel about this story?
They should be legally required to take complete care of them. No help from any state agency or even child support. They did it on purpose now they should be required to raise them alone with no help. The ****** dads should have to pay support but the money should go into a college fund for the kids to be released when they are 18. If the Dad decides to stick around then that is great but if not then the 17 girls should have to go it alone with no help. Just my opinion. Teenage pregnancy is at an all time high and they do it on purpose.... that is radiculous.
Wow, I've been reading through these posts, and all I can say is, I'm not surprised at all. It's sad for the babies, but unfortunately, human nature hasn't evolved as much as we believe. People do stupid things all the time since the dawn of civilization... not a big surprise for me, honestly.
And each generation will blame the previous one and will condemn the following one, that's just how things are, unfortunately.
VERY sad, but VERY true; that's what we can come to as a society. Honestly, like 50 years ago, this would NEVER happen. But with today's liberal society and society accepting this type of behavior, there are no barriers to stop kids from doing it.