This poll was at around 95-21 before Hot Toys showed any tweaks. I wouldn't say that "Hot Toys running scared of a small company like Enterbay" Hot Toys IS showing strengths in trying to eliminate their competition, this is a great example.
You sound biased over this item, I can guarantee if EB reacts the same way they will not be around much longer. Good business is professionalism and not taking things personal.
Now all that being said i'm a big fan of Enterbay and most of their work so don't come back chastising me out.
I also said that if Enterbay could pick up similar licenses compared to Hot Toys that Hot Toys would really have something to worry about.
Enterbay has some fantastic talent but lets not all get ahead of ourselves, take away their Bruce Lee product and they are as small as the new "Subway" company.