Super Freak
No silent clocks means no death.... And imdb has him for the 12 episodes...
That was one of the best twists in this series' long history. I'm glad they did that and it makes total sense now since the subplot is all about leaked and stolen classified information.
I have to be honest, I really didn't care for Heller at all. He was such a prick in Season 6, and never made an attempt to rescue Bauer. And he even blamed him for what happened to Audrey. Although, it was nice of him to give Bauer a Presidential pardon this season...
Agreed. I'll always remember Heller as a prick. I didn't mind him sacrificing himself at all. Even guys like Chappelle and George Mason, I felt for, when they sacrificed themselves, and both of those guys were real pricks. I think those guys were just trying to do their jobs, and had to be pricks to Bauer, but Heller really stuck it to Bauer on a personal level, when he didn't need to. I forgot what he said exactly, but I think it was something like him blaming Jack for Audrey's kidnap and torture by the Chinese. Jack ended up walking off into the sunset, I still remember even then, thinking Jack should've just cold-cocked him.
The dubious looking fellow in charge of a hacktivist group turning out to be a bad guy is a twist??
Yes...it is.
Anyone else find it hilarious when Jack sliced open Heller's arm and covered it up with a band-aid?
Sad thing... How the hell are they gonna have a football match now! Never mind POTUS! : lol
Anyone else find it hilarious when Jack sliced open Heller's arm and covered it up with a band-aid?
Told you so! No silent clock...
At the end of this hour, I'm starting to wonder if Chloe is just collateral damage or involved... What do you guys think?
Jack murders Margot in the best (very unexpected) possible way.
Damn, Jack.