I just received mine today and am a bit blown away by what I got for $300. I think this is a steal even at the original $600 MSRP in today's market where a standard PF runs around $500.
This is my first 1/3 piece, and I didn't think I'd be overly impressed with the size because he's only one inch taller than my Batman PF. I was wrong - he is absolutely enormous! I have a better appreciation for arguments that people have made in saying that height is only one dimension of a statue's size (something I've heard quite a bit by people defending the size of the Killer Croc PF).
He isn't just big either, as the quality seems quite good upon initial inspection. The lighting where I have him isn't great at the moment, but the paint seems to be good, as do the mixed-media elements on the piece.
I highly, highly recommend getting him if you are a fan of Kratos. The value at $300 is absurd, and this piece even features a low ES of 500.