Here are a couple of shots I have sort of taken the liberty to draw all over, so please don't post these anywhere else...thanks...
OK, in an effort to affirm an absolute scale, I have found a couple of hard evidence shots that will show without a doubt his size.
First up, is a recast body, in fiberglass (The very same one I have been within 20 feet of myself, out in a junkyard in Sun Valley...) that hung for ages in Universal Studios in L.A. This was the last direct full scale casting from the original molds for the Seasled shark, which was the full bodied one of the three made for JAWS, so it is an exact scale recast.
As you can see, there is a kid there, but not a two year old that would be average half full grown hieght, but more like a seven to eight year old, so my sketch of an adult at about the same line as the tip of the snout, gives you a much better idea of his scale. A six foot man would just about reach the last gill as posed.
And for a better scale of the head...
Yeah! Here is some guy's mom, posing with the Left to Right shark, my favorite, that ate Quint among other onscreen duties, and his lines are the most famous in my mind.
You can see that the inside width of his mouth is under three feet. Big enough to eat Quint, but not so large as the camera angles suggest in the movie. Remember, this is a smaller woman than a grown man, so she is not as large a person as Robert Shaw even.
But, with these two, rare shots, you can see his scale with no question.
I will be endeavoring to sketch out some images now, that will fulfill my ideas of a shelfworthy bust, that will conform to these images, and others I have, that will make future Bruce busts just right.
Hope these are interesting for you, and that I can trust you guys not to share these around. Not that they are slated for anything, just that these are privately taken shots, non-Studio owned, and as such just don't need to leave this area.
Anything else I post of Bruce from here on out, will be my own art, or photos of work in progress on the actual bust.
Thanks and I hope I now have your attention.
More to come!