I appreciate your response, but I want to express my dissatisfaction with it. The language you have used to describe the situation - "Sorry for the inconvenience caused !", "customer who is unhappy with their order", etc - tells me that this company is currently trying to treat this situation as though it were a small misunderstanding that left a customer dissatisfied with the product they received. That's not what this is. Let me be clear. 3A has falsely advertised this figure for many months and got many customers very excited about it with pictures of action poses, showing off the character figure gripping and holding his weapons. The actual figure shipped to these paying customers is so diminished from those original reveals that it can't even achieve the poses shown off in the Look Book. And it's certainly not just my figure. I've got friends who have the same issues and there are certainly pictures and videos all across the internet of this figure's problems.
There are two major things on the list of the figure's features (shown off in pictures from the Look Book) that just don't work on the retail version of the figure. This is the figure's articulation and magnetically mounting weapons on the character's back. The joint articulation is not only low-quality - it is almost non-existent. The articulation featured in the figure's shoulders, fingers, hips, and thighs is not ratcheted, so they cannot hold any poses. The articulation in the figure's elbows, wrists, and ankles is all so stiff that it can barely be bent. It all coalesces into a figure that can barely stand straight up (much less hold any of the dynamic poses featured in the Look Book) and certainly can't hold any of his weapons at all. His arms are so restrictive that he can't even hold a weapon out across his chest. Hilariously, the figure's fingers are actually too thick to even fit inside the trigger guard of the exclusive LightRifle featured in this exclusive bundle. How does this crap even get past quality assurance testing? Can I ask if 3A even has quality assurance testing? I'm not asking to be cheeky - I genuinely want to know if you guys actually check this stuff before I decide to business with you again in the future. To boot, the magnetic mounting features such weak magnets that my figure's weapons can hardly even detect them and cannot magnetically attach the weapons to the figure's back at all. Some people have even reported the magnets being inserted backwards, meaning the figure actually repels the weapons. Again, where is the quality assurance testing???
So that's two major, important features that were shown off on the figure's feature list and via pictures from the Look Book that none of the retail copies currently reaching people's hands can achieve acceptably. I think we can fairly call this false advertising. You guys showed off a figure of a certain quality that you showed could do certain things and valued it at $240. I looked at these features, admired the figure in action, agreed it was worth $240, and paid that. You guys then sent me out a figure that can't actually achieve many of the poses and features you showed me to any acceptable degree. Can't you see how this is your fault? I paid a certain value for a figure of a certain quality and you instead sent me a figure of significantly diminished quality. I mean, Judas Priest, I'm not asking for you guys to kiss my feet or anything - all I'm looking for is for you to take a little bit more responsibility in this situation than "Sorry you're unhappy with the order". I would've been happy with the product if it were actually the product I paid for back in November, which was shown off in the Look Book! It's 3A's fault, not mine, that I'm outraged with the order!
I'm sorry to rant, but your company's horrible treatment of its customers has made this situation worse. I am also a fan of World of 3A on Facebook and I had spent the end of last week on there asking about why this figure was so bad, but the admin there did not comment at the time. As other people began to receive their figures, they also started to post on the World of 3A Facebook with videos and photos showcasing the deplorable quality of the figure and the admin also ignored them. I commented on every single one of these posts, affirming for the other customers that they weren't the only ones experiencing the problems and remarking how badly your company was handling the situation. I also tried asking the page admin multiple times if he or she could tell us the details about why this figure shipped in the state it did and what your company was doing to fix it. I noticed today that the World of 3A page admin has blocked me from the site and deleted my previous posts detailing the figure's flaws. First of all, I respectfully ask if there's anything you can do to unblock me and restore my comments. They were not inappropriate comments, such as death threats or defamation (beyond what is necessary to express how poor the situation surrounding this figure is). My comments were simply those of a dissatisfied customer who wanted some answers after being sold a $240 lemon.
Is this how you treat customers? You sell them something that wasn't what you described it to be at all and then you completely ignore their more-than-legitimate concerns when they ask you what went wrong? It's just disgusting that I was blocked from the Facebook page simply for connecting with other customers who are also experiencing issues with the figure. I was essentially doing your job for you in that regard - it's absolutely 3A's responsibility to connect with dissatisfied customers. It's also disgusting that your language suggests that it is my fault that I am dissatisfied with the figure, when it's been clearly illustrated that the figure was falsely advertised.
Here's what I want to know now: Is there any possibility of 3A fixing the figure? Because if there is, I want to hold onto mine until that's an available option. I paid $240 for a 1/6 scale Master Chief and I still want that Master Chief. I think this is the most horrible part of this situation - this figure looks great and people still want to keep it. Instead of recognizing that there's still the potential to turn this situation around and give these loyal customers the functional figure they paid for, 3A is content with simply offering a refund and keeping the $240 if the customer decides to hang onto the figure. That's what's disgusting to me. This is not the $240 figure you guys advertised and yet all you're offering here for customers still willing to deal with the figure's problems is a full return on the figure. Any smart business would jump on the opportunity for a partial refund in which the customers keep their figures in this situation. Then, to restore good faith in their brand, the company would make the situation right by fixing the product and offering it as originally advertised - with either an exchange or a discount offer for those customers who received the initial bad batch. 3A is instead going to take advantage of its customers and keep the money with no acknowledgement of responsibility or remorse.
Again, I'm not trying to be mean - I'm just getting fed up with looking for answers from people working for 3A and either being deflected or completely ignored. The current situation surrounding this figure is completely unacceptable, from the quality of the figure itself to your company's treatment of its customers in this situation. I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me and let me know if there's any possibility for 3A to fix the figure and do an exchange program for customers who received the faulty ones. I want this information before I begin the process of the refund, because the possibility of an exchange would be ideal to me, as I still want this figure. Please let me know directly and in a timely manner.
Sincerely and with respect,
Cory Strand