Darth Caedus
Formerly Congerking
^^^^ Latinos!!! who hangs out with them anyways!!!
I try my hardest, but it's hard to avoid them in Southern California. I just try to stay away from Lawns and Trees
^^^^ Latinos!!! who hangs out with them anyways!!!
I will definitely agree with him on Security, last year I was a fist fly away from being arrested because of some jerk ass security guard who got in my face when some celebs surprised the crowd and showed up at a booth. I was stuck in the insane gaggle of people and this jerk wanted me to move against the crowd. I seriously wanted to kill him and eat his ^^^^ing soul.
And the crowds can drive you a little insane, especially the huge guys and gals who shove through like nobody else's business. It gets annoying after hour 5 each day, and by day 3 you are ready to start a massacre you are so sick of it.
And honestly, it's gotten too big for itself. The movies and TV area is choked with people, and it's impossible to get into panels unless you sat outside for 5 hours.
Personally, if it were not for the Freaks party and my amazingly awesome friends from this board.... and Sideshow... I would probably NEVER EVER want to go to that damn convention EVER again.
Is it really that busy?
Id lose my mind fighting through all those people
Yes, it is. Even if you try to go around, there are lines of people trying to get by. Another thing to worry about this year, Swine Flue. Esp with a mass of people that large congregate in one building. I have a feeling people WILL get sick.
New reason, I'll probably get blasted here, but here it goes. Baby strollers inside Why would you do this? Really?
Is it really that busy?
How stupid of a question is that? Because people, like me, like to take our kids there. After all, SUNDAY is officially kids day and this is a glorifiied toy/comic/video game convention.
Cartoon Network, Hasbro, Kenner, Lego, Nick, and a few others really have some neat stuff FOR KIDS and there are tons of cool "panels" on Sunday. Go look at the programming for Sunday: LOTS of kids shows, previews, games, and art projects. Last year, my wife was trying to take a picture of my four year old and I near the Castle Greyskull gate, and this guy remarks, "Why do people stop their $#%*! strollers in the line?"
Sorry, but this is a semi-sensitive issue to me because of all the pricks there that act like kids are an inconvenience at the COMICCon and it wasn't like that five years ago. That place is packed tight, there is no way I can expect my four year old to hold my hand, get knocked over repeatedly, and WALK around in that place. Sorry if me wanting to take my kids to see new models, toys, video games and free swag gets in the way of you seeing the latest toy, I really am.
I don't go to Cons but I can't imagine it being a safe enviornment or a proper one at that for children who need to be in a stroller.
A Comic book, toy, video game, and model convention not proper for a four year old? Cartoon Network, Hasbro, Kenner, Lego, Nick, and a few others really have some neat stuff FOR KIDS. And the stroller is to keep him safe; I would say kids are as safe in a stroller at the con as they are at Disneyland in the height of summer.
Don't get me wrong, there are LOTS of inappropriate stuff (mainly, the porn that has started appearing in the last few years, but that is mainly kept to the artist's alley or near the horror movies), but this is a convention to show toys coming out.
Without having ever been, I'd be willing to guess that the vast majority of comic books, toys, and video games are not proper for a four year old.
Didn't you say Sunday is kids day though? Why not just take them on Sunday?
fight long lines for panels and people shoving each other out of the way for a free poster.
Admittedly, some of the swag handed out is pretty cool, and I know people collect loads of stuff and make a modest profit on ebay. But people go nuts over things like plastic bags, and will hang out at booths waiting for free stuff to be handed out. That just causes more problems in an already overly congested situation.
I feel sorry for folks who do bring their kids. Trying to get through the exhibition room where the Lego booth is is a nightmare.
This is my fourth year going and I've never had any trouble with lines and not being able to see what I want to see. Yeah there are lines but they aren't that bad. Really they aren't. I always wait in that gargantuan hall H line and it moves relatively fast. Just jump in it for the panel before the one you want to see and you'll get in no problem.
Of course I have a press pass so that might contribute to my ease of getting around the con.