I received my wave 2 today, and am very happy with them.
Some general thoughts:
*Zsasz is the one true disappointment. articulation and sculpt on him are pretty subpar. I would love a redo -
*Ivy has mostly standard articulation but looks very nice in person.
*Armored Bats is just plain awesome
* Bane may have been given the extreme pose as shown in the game's gallery, but he is soo massive, I could not help but have a smile on my face when opening the figure.....just HUGE....I wished he had articulated knees so he could have stood at his full potential, but I would be lying if I said he wasnt my fav in wave 2 easily. I agree with a couple posts up, he is absolutely the correct scale, but the pose is pretty extreme. If he'd been standing up, he'd easily be another inch and half taller....as the pose is right out of the game, I really have no issues with this one....I'll be curious if he looks odd next to the Croc later
Now, I saw pics of Croc, but did they announce the full wave 3? i really want Gordon