Essential reading for anyone interested in moving beyond the "post-fact" conservative propaganda machine:
Interesting read. Thanks.
Essential reading for anyone interested in moving beyond the "post-fact" conservative propaganda machine:
I wonder how many people on wellfare have cell phones or cable? Just wondering.
The idea that wealth needs to be shared when 26% of "poor" people have a cell phone or 62% have cable/satellite is pretty silly, IMO.
Uh...but "entertainment" isn't something that should be subsidized by tax payers.
Furthermore cell phones are not cheaper than a fixed line.
I'm not sure we're paying the cable company.
It really depends on the circumstances (whether your fixed company charges for long distance, whether you're using a prepaid handset for a few minutes per month etc). The flight to mobiles from fixed is occurring at the high and low ends of the market rather than the middle for precisely this reason.
Long distance is a luxury too. As is being able to chat while walking around outside or driving to work or riding the bus. These aren't necessities.
devilof76 has it exactly right, the subsidies are paying for necessities and wages pay for luxury, but wages should be used 1st for necessities and subsidies should only make up the difference in cost between WAGES and NECESSITIES.
Some jobs require mobility. And at any rate if you're using a prepaid handset and rationing time so that it's less expensive than a fixed connection - does it matter if you have the "luxury" of using that time on the bus or to let your kids talk to their grandmother in another state?
What does it matter even if you don't? Why is it anyone's responsibility to provide for the welfare of another person?
Exactly. As a Chrisitian and/or as a "nice" person, I want to help people that seriously can't help themselves, whether they've been diagnosed with a disease or have had a serious accident or something.
But apathy and laziness, poor decisions, lack of desirable skills, these aren't things I feel compelled to help.
Which people make up most of welfare? Which people do the democrats cater to the most with promises to help, but just broaden the reasons to loaf and make mistakes. Democrats absolutely love holding the people they claim to be helping down by keeping them sustained under welfare. If a welfare person made something of themselves, they'd lose that vote. Democrats have a god complex and they make really crappy gods.
I forget that people are frequently struck down out of the clear blue--never by any fault of their own--with pregnancies, home foreclosures, firings, lack of diploma, drub problems, apathy, boredom, contempt for authority figures, temptation via the knowledge of how to cheat the system, etc.
If a job requires it, its a job related expenditure that the employee either covers himself or has the employer pay.
Why am I supposed to pay it for Joe Schmo?
Why is it anyone's responsibility to provide for the welfare of another person?
You're free to leave if you don't like it.