Yeah, like bag of burning dog s__t!
Let's see:
Biohazard Afterlife: Video game figures.

Well, they seem to sell well and they actually do more than one figure. So that is one reasonable licence out of six.
*The Expendables: will flop at the box office and get one figure, next year's Prince of Persia. Fail.
* Tron Legacy: another hyped remake of cult film that will fail, next year's Clash of the Titans. Fail.
* Avatar (Movie Masterpiece) - wasn't that your big announcement last year? Double fail.
* Spider-Man 3 - They choose the worst film of the main Marvel licences...the one where Medicom products have been lingering unsold from it for years due to fans abiding love. Keeps the Blade, Ghostrider, emo theme going though.
* Michael Jackson ver. Smooth Criminal - yields one figure, tops, of everybody's favouraite child-molesting wierdo.

But he sells, so I have to give you that, two of six.