Re: Account identity issues
Chicky said:
During Show73's phone conversation with our CS department, he ranted that he and his family were big message boarders and that we would 'regret this', as he was going to post and rant all about it publically. Funny how that was not mentione din his post. At no time was he told 'not to post his grievances.' It is his right, just as it is ours to post a reply.
Thanks for replying Chicky but please get your own facts straight as I can say that there was absolutely no yelling or threatening "you would regret this" from me.
My little brother I might believe, but remember that when my Mom passed him the phone Dawn refused to talk directly with him. You were talking to my mother and he was talking loudly so you could hear him even though you refused to talk to him. Fair enough not his account but you guys knew this and were OK with it in the past. This is where the Frustration comes from, try to see it from his side, not only does he not get his gray hulk VS that was in 20 minutes before sell out but he also loses his $75 dollar credit because Dawn does not not Know Pat is short for Patricia!!!
Chicky said:
Ultimately the issue is an identity fraud concern flagged for the account in question. When we contacted the user to verify their identity, in order to insure that credit card theft was not taking place, we were contacted by a person other then the account holder by phone. When we were contacted again through e-mail about this account it was from second, different person other the account holder. When we were contacted a third time by phone, it was by original individual who phoned earlier, now supplying a different name.
1.First phone call : Why was my Gray Hulk Cancelled? What is the name on the account sir? Pat (Because that is her name) We do not have a Pat we have a Patricia and obviously you are not her.
(It is at this point that they accuse my little brother of trying to pass his self off as Pat which is just silly as far as I am concerned, there is NO 3rd person)
Yes that is my Mom. I really should be cancelling this account but if your Mom sends in .........
2.e-mail from brothers hotmail account - still the same person (No 3rd party involved at all)
3.Second phone call - Mom phones because she is account holder, tries to hand phone to my brother but Sideshow refuses to talk to him.
Just admit that Dawn made a mistake accusing my Brother of trying to say his name was Pat, that is where this whole thing turned methinks. There is no 3rd person trying to access the account so please just admit it!
Chicky said:
The simple matter is there are too many people contacting us about an account, not in their name, which draws a BIG FLAG up for us. Proof of identity of the account holder, as we requested, was not supplied, which has caused us to close the account.
He was told he could mail it in, how do you expect him to get photocopies made and a letter mailed out to arrive within 24 hours??
Chicky said:
I was present for the phone conversation that took place with our rep Erin, the description posted is a bit skewed. I was also present with the call to our CS Manager and heard the client screaming through the phone, which is completely unacceptable no matter the circumstances.
My conversation with Erin skewed, which part please?
My brother having to talk loud enough for you to hear because you would not take the phone?
Chicky said:
I apologize if some collectors do find our policies a bit restrictive or not main stream. We have very simple account rules in place that are meant to avoid messes such as the one posted: Only one account per person. Account holders must use a credit card registered in their name as well as ship to themselves. We also can only discuss the account with the account holder. All of these help us to maintain account security and the final delivery of limited edition items to the appropriate parties.
Two people two addresses, he was following exactly what Dawn told him to do.
Chicky said:
It is not our intention to frustrate any of our clients. We will work with them to reach resolutions towards many issues that arise with their accounts and orders. We provide civility during this process and expect it in return, otherwise we reserve the right to continue conversations when a reasonable one can be had by all parties involved.
I was very offended and Erin's laugh sent me over the edge to rant on the board, there was no yelling from me at all as I hope Erin would admit, she did LIE to me about the shipping order simple FACT. being lied to and laughed at is not truly very civil in my books!
Chicky said:
As always, I look forward to feedback on this topic as well as others within this board. It is my hope that as long as the posts are civil, the board manager will not have to remove the thread for any posting policy violations.
Allthough we obviously do not see eye to eye I am glad you replied to my post.