I'll definately say that a large part of this has to do with the OT/PT versus EU mindset. Sure, I get that. But what I'm struggling with is that the female EU characters have had a tendency to get these really sex-bomb type looks that make them sort of a joke. It's laughable that Darth Talon lasted more than one battle wearing basically nothing more than a bikini, yet you have Yoda and Obi-Wan who wore battle armor in the Clone Wars. If you're an EU guy, you get this awesome, bad-arse armor; if you're a girl you get a thong and push-up bra...
Now, I totally get it. The ladies look hawt in the Playboy get-up. But I can never take them seriously. The only time Leia looked alittle skanky is the Jabba Slave outfit; but that was because she was forced to wear it! Same with Padme's mid-rift shirt - a freakin' jaguar ripped half of it off. She can't help that. But Darth Talon knows what she's doing when she wakes up in the morning and throws on her stripper outfit.
Again, I'm straight as an arrow here, but I don't want a shelf full of chicks who I don't respect, because they dress like hookers. I mean, $300 eye-candy? You have the internet for that... and it's cheaper.