Super Freak
Devil's response, on the other hand, borders on a personal attack. Let's all feel free to share our differing opinions without judging or condemning each other.
Again, I'm straight as an arrow here, but I don't want a shelf full of chicks who I don't respect, because they dress like hookers. I mean, $300 eye-candy? You have the internet for that... and it's cheaper.
Comments like that are 100% disparaging or those who appreciate these statues for something other than their perceived sluttiness. Covering their ass with caveats such as, "That's just my opinion," is weak.
If someone came up to you and said, "Your mom's a whore," and then went on to say, "But that's just my opinion. You can like her if you want," would you suddenly opt to not knock his teeth out? Or would you smile and commend him for being comfortable with airing his opinion without fear of recourse?