I got caught up watching New England take Houston to "pound town"
Damn look at the saber!!!! the trio is so perfect! Now I need a ventress.....
I remember you said you got Talon for $900.
Was that the regular or EX?
Looking at her next to Talon (Can't wait to see mine next to my talon!) geez the Lekku look small, anyone else think so?
they look great together...
to me unacceptable that they are taking out the light up feature on Shaak Ti for $350 !
PS: I get my Aayla on Saturday.. is there a way to leave a signed note for FEDEX and they drop it in the patio ??
The Ventress PF is AWESOME! She looks awesome in that pic of Talon, Aayla and Ventress together!
Great pics therivox. She is a beauty and a great addition to any star wars collection.
Could it b time for the haters to find a new thread?
I'm hoping that new lightsaber technology translates well to a red lightsaber too.
they look great together...
to me unacceptable that they are taking out the light up feature on Shaak Ti for $350 !
PS: I get my Aayla on Saturday.. is there a way to leave a signed note for FEDEX and they drop it in the patio ??
damn it.. even if you sign a piece of paper and leave it at the door ?
She turned out pretty good and I'm liking the new light up saber, I hope this will be implemented in all future Star Wars PFs.
The Ventress PF is AWESOME! She looks awesome in that pic of Talon, Aayla and Ventress together!
Ventress is a beauty. But I'd prefer if she had a more ferocious look. Still, it's one of the best sculpts and paint jobs done by Sideshow.