AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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Not....spending money...on collectibles?

Mine think the same but what do I care what they think. :)

thats exactly what they think...actually their exact word are "why are you spending money on ken dolls?" but i dont really care what they think since collecting really makes me happy and i :bananathink everybody here at work knows im a kid at heart
Haha true dat. But then she has to have the notation that you are actually willing to sell your stuff. :)

Nah we all ready gone over that agreement and she actually was kind of sad that I was taking pics of it to put it on auction. She knows how much this stuff means to me! :monkey2
Posting about arrivals with no pictures....

u can afford to buy statues but not a camera!?:tap.............

Yeah, all my money goes to collectibles, instead! Ok, I didn't actually open it before. Now I have. I would have to say it's the best AH statue yet. The cape has more detail than I expected.The whip seems fragile, so be careful with it.
Well that figures. The regulars are supposed to be processing today and guess what? No money has been taken out of my account yet! Bravo SS!! :clap :banghead