AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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This is such an impressive piece that I had to take more shots of her.

Nope Ill, she's still here!!!!










Better put her away Ski before your Fiance finds out and beats you down! :D


I showed it to her and she's all good about it, she actually likes it because it looks like her... :lol

I man'd up today, had to be honest :rock

I appreciate you caring for my safety Ill :rock
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was going to but looks like i need a yahoo account :monkey2
i won't and don't need another email account so i guess i'm out :(

after seeing ski's head though, i'm seriously thinking of shaving my head now.:naughty:lol

:lol:lol:lol easiest thing to maintain my brother :rock Just freshly shaved today as well and it took all but 5-6 minutes :lol

U didn't know that all these emoticons that we use on the forum are all me! :joy
was going to but looks like i need a yahoo account :monkey2
i won't and don't need another email account so i guess i'm out :(

after seeing ski's head though, i'm seriously thinking of shaving my head now.:naughty:lol

Awww lame yea I don't want to sign up for yahoo either but awesome for everyone else. Should be pretty cool.