AH Comiquette-Black Queen-Sold out, waitlist available

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Anyone need some extra cash and have no use for the exclusive print, send me a pm. Im looking to buy :)

lol poor girl. I don't forsee many waitlists converting at this point.
neither do i, though i did have a piece sometime ago that converted almost six months after it had started to ship. i cancelled it though since i had descided that i didn't want it after all. so you may still get lucky
neither do i, though i did have a piece sometime ago that converted almost six months after it had started to ship. i cancelled it though since i had descided that i didn't want it after all. so you may still get lucky

I had a Predator Dio 1 Exclusive that converted almost like 9 months from it's shipping date. :rotfl

Poor Jinxxy. :(

Looks like it may be evilbay for you. :monkey3

Ha haaaaaaaaa Jinxxy, just wanted to say that since it's fun!!! HA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!
I had a Predator Dio 1 Exclusive that converted almost like 9 months from it's shipping date. :rotfl

Ha haaaaaaaaa Jinxxy, just wanted to say that since it's fun!!! HA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!

crazy. how does that happen? they find it in storage or something?:google