Alamo Drafthouse Posters

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Picked up the Creature print. I like the design. It's different than what we normally see with Creature pieces and looks classy. It'll hang in my office.
Has postersandtoys stopped sending out newsletter emails with poster announcements? I see they had Halloween posters and I knew nothing of it. I used to have some luck on there, but I was getting email with heads up.

I didn't catch the reasoning behind this, but no email was sent about the halloween drop. I believe someone said there was a mention of it on Ken Taylors FB page, but that was it.
He only had a few of them and he tweeted about them and two seconds later they were gone.

Has postersandtoys stopped sending out newsletter emails with poster announcements? I see they had Halloween posters and I knew nothing of it. I used to have some luck on there, but I was getting email with heads up.
Love the ansin frank in person, can't wait to frame it. Not sure if I'll have the wall space for the PCC wolf man to go with frank and creature now :(
Received my Fortress variant AP. Love it. A much better placement of Superman in this one, than the first print.

Another winner from JC.
I hope they make another Terminatorposter one day, cause I refuse to pay 300$+ for a poster :p

Unless I win the lottery
that is a awesome piece, sux there's hardly any good Term art out there. I have no interest paying anywhere near the going rate on it.
You guys have seen these right? I have them both and they are pretty awesome...


can't believe how much that one is going for with that large of an ES. I never even heard of the movie. If it will help me get the funds for a Cooper Gremlins, I may try for it. :stick