Alamo Drafthouse Posters

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Are the MOS prints still shipping?? I still haven't received mine, info on my order still says processing.

I just got mine. They are shipping in batches like people say so it's likely the orders won't be complete until mid-end September-ish.

My order #'s were around 92300's so if you're further back than that you'll probably be waiting a little longer.
I forgot I had one of these on order.

GHIBLI (Records & Shirts)… Up until now we’ve been weary of giving concrete ship dates on this only because, well, to be honest, we didn’t have an exact date. The good news is they ship from the plant early next week. We expect 2-3 days for delivery from the plant to us, and from there shipping the records are our top priority. Turn around should be pretty quick on those. Shirts, are scheduled to arrive late next week as well. We will ship the two simultaneously. Timed out pretty strange in that regard, but that’s where we are with those. I want to sincerely apologize for the delays. They were completely unexpected. Unlike MAN OF STEEL where we forewarned about shipping delays, we thought we would have the GHILBI items have in hand within our self-proposed 3-4 weeks shipping window, but unfortunately it was out of our control. Thank you so much for your patience.
Yeah, I bet they would look wonderful together. Those Ft13 prints were pretty much the only Mondo prints I've wanted in ages since they'd go so swell with my Freddy, but I sadly missed out on the surprise drop on Monday. I'd hate to go to ebay, but the prices really aren't the worst.

Mondo still hasn't made the Friday the 13th print yet. Something in line with Ken Taylor's Halloween. Something with Jason and the lake background. I'm sure they will eventually. For Part 4 or Part 6. I actually like that orange Friday the 13th print more than than this Edmiston print.

I just got mine. They are shipping in batches like people say so it's likely the orders won't be complete until mid-end September-ish.

My order #'s were around 92300's so if you're further back than that you'll probably be waiting a little longer.

Hmm. I better check Mondo. For some reason, I rarely get ship notices from them anymore. But I haven't ordered in a while. I can't wait to see this. I haven't picked up a Martin Ansin print in a while.
Hmm. I better check Mondo. For some reason, I rarely get ship notices from them anymore. But I haven't ordered in a while. I can't wait to see this. I haven't picked up a Martin Ansin print in a while.

Mind just came in yesterday out of no where ! I'm not complaining, just giving the heads up.
I don't even care about the secondary Market any more.

I have learned that there is nothing worth going that crazy for.

The only ones I would have ever done anything like that for would be Star Wars and at today's prices, not even.
I like the V for Vendetta poster, but missed it as well. Oh well, I don't go to the secondary market for these things. If I miss it initially, then I just do without.
As far as V goes, I like seeing Mondo tackle all of these modern DC films, but why, oh, why, can't they tackle the classics? So far, it seems like the closest they've got were the Edmiston Nicholson & Stamp paintings, and MAYBE, the JC Richard Fortress of Solitude print, but, even then, that one could very well be a comic print, as well, as evidenced by the Batcave companion piece they did later on.

Point being, Mondo needs to hurry it up and tackle Reeve Superman and Keaton Batman.

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