Cool stuff Darren. Can't wait to see what you do here....
VERY curious....and remember, ALIEN Ripley is younger, ie, less lean face...
As for all this
Buck talk...
OK...DDave...are you saying that my use of a Buck female head for my Alien 3, was unwarranted or innappropriate?
That NO USE whatsoever is ever warranted for using an Art Buck...ever???
Ever??? YOU? Mr, more accurate THAN the movie guy?
I always assumed a whatever means necessary stance. (Like your KILLER Terminator bandolier! Awesome that...)
As for Buck bodies...ok, not too usable unless it's under clothing. Weird proportions... For my A3 Ripley body, and upcoming ALIEN & AR Ripleys, I used the 21st Century Jacqueline bodies. Tall, lean and VERY Sigourney-ish! Might even work for this new HT head too!
And Pjam. PAUL.
What good is going through a whole description of how I made my Ripley taller, when
you of all people don't use it?!?!?
Of course the HT's too short!
Mr. OTHER More accurate THAN the MOVIE guy! (You two kill me! Most driven accuracy dudes on the's like you two are on a mission!)
Simply saw her calves in half, dead center, clean and dremel some, add in some tubing (I used upper arm segments from...wait for it...a female Buck...), and fit them inside her calves, superglue in place, putty around to match the leg widths, and then pad her boots, ala HT Superman, and VOILA!
Adds about 1/2 to 3/4 inch to her in total for a pretty accurate hieght.
OK, Get to it mister!