Here on the Perimeter
Batty said:Very cool!At least you got the word out.
Thanks Brother Batty, posting it again on new thread page for convenience.
pjam said:FYI: Response to my Email from the HT Design Team:
Dear Paul,
Thanks for your advice & info, I will pass it to my production team.
Best wishes,
Dear Howard and the Amazing HT Design Team,
I am a member of the Sideshow Freaks Board and a HUGE Hot Toys fan and collector. In fact, we have had an Aliens thread running since last April in anticipation of the wonderful Hot Toys Aliens products.
Most of us are Aliens fanatics and have intimate knowledge about Giger design and film prop stills of the Warrior used in the Movie "Aliens". One of our group is a master customizer and has seen the actual built Aliens used in the movie at the home of his host Bob Burns, the noted collector.
I know how much Hot toys prides itself with accuracy and we all love that about your incredibe company but I need to point out that the new Aliens Warrior showing now at Toyfair is innacurate. I realize this is a prototype but we, as I'm sure you at HT, want this Warrior as film accurate as possible so I am simply referring you to this thread page
which points out the differences in hopes it might be corrected prior to production. We can also share more images and info with you should you be interested.
Thank you for being such a great company!
I really don't expect much in the way of changes, but you never know...