Super Freak
Wow, what a difference that makes
.'. /_\ RP /_\ .'.
Decided to paint my warrior's teeth tonight. I was able to get the chrome, metal, mirror effect pretty well. Here's some pics..
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While it looked good last night, this morning, fully dried, I must say, it looks awesome.
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I had a factory issue with two of the teeth. So I had to do two coats, turns out that made ALL the difference.
I used Model Master Chrome/Silver. Applied with a VERY VERY small brush.
To start off, Tape off what you can (For the teeth separation? I used small piece of postit....apply the first coat as a base. wait about 4 hours to do the second.
Now for the second coat and technic? Apply a generously amount to a very small brush - Start from the top of each tooth and push lightly while going down, causing a droplet effect to cover the tooth. No brush strokes and a decent amount are key for a surface shine..
Inbetween doing each tooth, I re-shook the bottle.
This is how I did it, Hope it helps.
Thank you very muchi am hoping to have a go at doing this if I'm brave enough :/
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If Big Chap doesn't show up looking like that then I'm painting mine. Really well done!
Did you turn the bust upside down when doing the bottom teeth to keep the paint from running into the mouth area?