Alita: Battle Angel

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Is it my imagination or did they tone down the size of her eyes?

Not from the footage I saw. She's the only one in the world with those eyes too. The rest of the cyborgs have regular sized eyes/faces which makes it a bit jarring. It does feel like a Live action ANIME tho which is Cool.
Well I'm certainly intrigued with this film. I may bite and go see it in theaters, as I don't watch movies all too often.

I've read mention of Alita's eyes being 'creepy' and 'strange', but for me she just looks adorable.

Yeah, the eyes are cute; especially in that shot Zurdo posted. I don't get why people think they should shrink them since they make her design feel unique. Plus it's actually faithful to the source material.
I think everyone "gets it" that anime girls have big eyes. That's been a thing since before people even used the word "anime"....they just called them "big eyed girl cartoons from Japan."

But it doesn't make it any less gross looking.

She looks gross. This movie is gonna flop hard.
I thought they'd toned down the size of her eyes as well haha. Not that the design choice bothered me to begin with but maybe I'm desensitized to it now after watching the trailer so many times haha.

Okay then I wasn't crazy! :lol

Yeah, the eyes are cute; especially in that shot Zurdo posted. I don't get why people think they should shrink them since they make her design feel unique. Plus it's actually faithful to the source material.

I like the eyes. It does look like they toned them down a smidge or did something with them as you can see in Ehollywood's post...

I like that they're trying something new with those eyes.
I think everyone "gets it" that anime girls have big eyes. That's been a thing since before people even used the word "anime"....they just called them "big eyed girl cartoons from Japan."

But it doesn't make it any less gross looking.

She looks gross. This movie is gonna flop hard.

It's uncanny valley creepy.
The movie is still a WIP.
So won't be surprised that the eyes are still being reworked, fine tuned.
On a side note those big eyes don't make sense as in the manga ALL the characters have big eyes...

I think the movie could create the surprise.
Aquaman/Bumblebee been there seen that.
Alita has a new universe and will be popular amongst the girls/women.

I see this as the perfect answer to the Wonder woman vs Cameron gate. It will be a real positive and strong woman character even if in cgi.

Watched the trailer closely, if you know the manga you will be happy to know that the MOTORBALL is in ��������
Well, maybe some international audiences might sit through it, but I think it's gonna tank and tank HARD in the States.

Ghost in the Shell 2.0. This is a movie nobody wants. An adaptation of a 25 year old anime about old outdated cyberpunk themes, with the same old cliched CGI nonsense as every other action movie in the last 10 years.

Why would any girls or women see this trailer and want to see this?
Well, maybe some international audiences might sit through it, but I think it's gonna tank and tank HARD in the States.

Ghost in the Shell 2.0. This is a movie nobody wants. An adaptation of a 25 year old anime about old outdated cyberpunk themes, with the same old cliched CGI nonsense as every other action movie in the last 10 years.

Why would any girls or women see this trailer and want to see this?

Ok Mr AkiraFan
Most of the audience has no idea what is Alita.
So obscure or not, 25years or not, not relevant.
It's a badass heroine with big cute eyes, off course girls are going to go see it.
The manga has never been GITS, its a no brainer.
Not a course on artificial intelligence.
it's basically Dragon Ball, fights after fights with a love story.
Tailor made for Cameron, strong girl lead, tragic love story and action.
It's not going to reinvent the wheel but done right it's great entertainment.
My only regret so far , its way too bright and shiny.
Has anyone heard any backlash of Alita being portrayed by a mexican, or is the outrage only towards white people playing other ethnicity?
BTW, I'm not white.
I haven't heard a peep about it. She looks like the character, so I couldn't care less.


Just like ScarJo looked the part of the Major after she gets her robot body.


Not even actual Japanese people care about this sort of thing.
