It sounds like the U.S. will be participating in the black falcon vip card promo. I wonder what deals holders of that card will get next year. I am tempted to buy this falcon early to try to get one of those special vip cards
Hello I have seen the new Lego falcon on the Lego shop but it's says it's not released until 1st October 2017. There is no option to preorder it and as I have never bought anything from the Lego since I was a kid could some please explain how the Lego store works for new releases. Does the new stuff go live at midnight and will sell out in seconds or does it go live at 9.00am when most shop open? Also I have seen on eBay people selling it already and saying they are getting theirs on the 15 September. Does this mean it has been released sooner elsewhere in the world first?
So, you can see here, it's pretty good sized. This is the most recent Pirates ship for scale, the Brick Bounty. I used to have the Black Seas Barracuda, or whatever the "first one" was, I don't remember if it was bigger,
Lego online shop has 2 limit on FalconTake that flippers
So will the Falcon go up tomorrow night, or do we have to wait until sometime in the morning on Thursday?