Yeah, he looks perfect. But I'm not interested in any of the '86ers.
The dark purple looks about 100,000 times better. The color of Quakewave has always been so off-putting to me.Heads up!
Fans Toys :
FT-03 Quakewave reissue ($154.99) Sept
FT-03T Toy Color ($154.99) Sept
FT-03C Clear Version ($194.99) Oct
Up for preorder at BBTS
Edit: ninja'd by pro_design1
Kickback looks freaking awesome & I'm ordering glad I went with FT for these they all look SOOOOO good.
Speaking of ordering Kapow have put him up...
DEPOSIT - Fanstoys FT-14 Forager
They have also put Badcube's (Not)Sunstreaker up for £75 which I don't feel is too bad, a bit more than I'd like when you consider the Takara cars are normally a good £20 cheaper but I will probably have to swallow it on this one as TT seem pretty much reluctant to make him
Badcube OTS-08 Sunsurge
Also just noticed that the 3rd Party MP Jazz has appeared on there too for £65
TnR TR-01 Hova
Still unsure where I stand on that, I love Jazz big time but seeing as he's such an important in G1 that I have huge worries that this just won't cut it, I'm still hopeful that Takara do get round to him or Fans Toys pick up the slack
Aaand a minute of silence for those who paid $400+ for him.