Super Freak
Ordered Ultimetal Optimus Prime.
Thanks for the explanation thecorsair, I never knew there was a red version of BumblebeeThat does make it a bit less random than it seemed to me at first but I'll still be skipping this release.
Ironhide's looking fantastic. That mid-transformation pic is mind-boggling.
The only thing I hate are the hip flaps. Just ruins the look of the torso area for me.
Those are some pretty shameless knockoffs of Takara/Hasbro's MP-11 mold.They look pretty good, and they'll be a lot cheaper than Igear. Think I'll wait and see the new Make Toys seeker mould before buying though.
Thanks for that man.
They are looking seriously awesome.
As you said I'm not ruling out Takara for future releases just I'm less excited when they make announcements & 3P's seem to cater much more for my needs now than Takara do.
Exactly my problem, that gaping space is really putting me off him & the more I look at him the worse it is, shocking that with the skill they've shown on other figures they make such a glaring error with this one.
Which seems silly given that the MP-11 mold leaves a LOT of room for improvements.Yeah, that's the same thing Igear did years back, more or less ripping off the MP-03 mold, with a couple of minor improvements.
The realistic alt mode was my initial concern for Windcharger but it looks excellent and the robot mode isn't too shabby either. We're only Gears and Cliffjumper away from a complete series 1 Minibot lineup
I think those two are more problematic than the others because their alt modes are very tricky. Cliffjumper was so Chibified it barely resembled a Porsche 924 and Gears resembled no real world truck in existence.
A realistic Porsche for Cliffjumper should look fine as we know they work now, I think the best approach for Gears is to do what Badcube did with Huffer and go for a hybrid of G1 toy and real world detailing.
Takara's recent character choices just don't give me the same buzz that I had during the run from MP10-21 and I'm not spending my money of stuff I don't like/want just to keep supporting the official line.
That's my feeling entirely, I want to support them but won't just buy whatever they put out because I feel like I have too.
I seriously want a proper Gears, he was one of my fave minibots & I definitely feel he needs to be in the collection.
Still never got round to getting Brawn, hoping the re-issue Huffer does come too as his aftermarket price isn't worth entertaining now.
In other news Kapow Toys have just tweeted that Bluestreak (MP-18B) will be in stock tomorrow so I'll have mine some time next week now
Can't wait to have him
With 3rd parties it feels like anything is possible, Fans Toys have already confirmed they're working on Omega Supreme. After that combiners, Metroplex and Trypticon don't seem out of the question.
With Takara, there's the odd suprise such as Star Saber or next year's Optimus Primal which're nice if you like those but I question why they're making those characters before certain other heavy hitters from the main G1 era.....MP10 is almost 4 years old now and still doesn't have an official Megatron that's scaled to it.
It doesn't matter to me, because I have Apollyon, but those that don't like that figure or that don't buy 3rd party figures at all deserve an option for their displays....it doesn't look like it's happening any time soon, even the "he tell me" rumors about Megatron V2 have dried up in recent months.
Gears was one of the first Minibots I had as a kid so there's lots of nostalgic appeal, I would like Badcube to make him first, maybe XTB as a second option as the reports about the Beachcomber test shot suggest they're improving their build quality.
Badcube get asked about the Huffer reissue a lot on their FB and their answer is always "It's coming in a few releases". They've hinted that more Minibots are in their plans but haven't yet revealed what's after Sunstreaker.
Ideally I'd like to see them do Gears/Swerve, Huffer 2.0/Pipes and then Cliffjumper/Hubcap.
With Swerve I'd like the option of an alternate IDW head and the drinks tray. The character was by far the only redeeming quality of what I read of More Than Meets The Eye.
Nice hear that blue Bluestreak is almost here although my feelings are somewhat mixed as it could be my last Takara Autobot.
That's just it the 3P's are happy to have a go at anything where as Takara are much more selective & as shown lately more selective in the wrong areas instead of focusing on what the fans really want they seem to be trying to tell us this is what we want.
I seem to think Bumblebee was my first minibot (in fact even have been my first TF full stop) but I soon got more into Gears as my fave with Windcharger close behind.
I'd love to see Fans Toys or Badcube take him on.
Going to ask a question here guys...
Who is going for what Hound?
I'm really torn between the Fans Toys Willy & Maketoys Gundog.
Both look really good in the Proto's but not sure which I'm leaning towards more.
Was there a comparison pic somewhere with them both side by side?
Thanks in advance