Thanks for the review, Khai.Damn, I may have to get this one as well.
Here's my look at the new MP-27 Ironhide. I thought I'd hate those hip panels, but in hand I dont really mind them at all! Another great MP by Takara!
Just sharing this here.
Why won't they bring G1 animation back. Even watching these old animations, they look awesome IMO.
Yeah, specially how the animation looked on the intro of season 4. That was awesome! Wish they redo the whole series in that way.
Yeah, some sort of a continuation would be awesome.
I mean, what is there not to like?
Zarak got away inside Skorponok and that's when it all ended. You've got an amazingly strong foundation of characters, create new ones (people would EAT those toys up, not only MP sized, mind you.
Like it or hate it, look at the overwhelmingly success of the Combiner Wars line.. Most of the G1 inspired gestalts are very hard to find, and once they are gone, they are gone. The nostalgia is strong with those, and one can appreciate that. And with Takara doing the Unite Warriors but with G1 color, is just the icing on the cake. Look at the TF boards, all over the FB groups, people LOVE G1.
I hope it happens, just like it did with the comic. I want to see another Prime vs Megatron fight, even if that means Galvatron.
But realistically, I know that it's a different time now. And the old fogeys are a pretty small part of the target Transformers demographic. The Bay films and toys do very well, and that's where we're going to continue seeing a focus until that changes I reckon.
That makes some sense to me, considering how the current Transformers stuff appeals to very young kids in a way that GI Joe hasn't for many, many years. But it's also a bummer, because Resolute was a terrific, "mature" update to the ARAH stuff. . .even if I do have some quibbles with how they handled a few characters (Storm Shadow and Zartan in particular).The team that did GI Joe:Resolute wanted to do a G1 themed Transformers cartoon but couldn't get permission....that was probably the last chance for a decent update to the original cartoon.