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All things transformers!!!!

MP inferno looks like it could be up next from Takara. I have MMC's version on order, which should be due very soon, but I'll wait until Takara have shown more than a sillouette before I decide its fate.

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Cancelled ocular Max's version and selling Maketoys Wrestle right this second. These absolutely no way TT won't do Grapple.

It's starting to become really hard to support 3p offerings for me. At this point, I really believe TT will make them all.

Takara is on fire.
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Cancelled ocular Max's version and selling Maketoys Wrestle right this second. These absolutely no way TT won't do Grapple.

It's starting to become really hard to support 3p offerings for me. At this point, I really believe TT will make them all.

Takara is on fire.

Yep, just cancelled the 3rd party version that was in my pre-order list at BBTS.

I agree guys, Takara is on a roll at this point. We will get the cast from all years eventually. Very exciting.
All things transformers!!!!

I agree guys, Takara is on a roll at this point. We will get the cast from all years eventually. Very exciting.

It truly is just a matter of patience. I find myself sick of selling the 3p options every time TT announces their version!

At one point I was like, why are they even dong Inferno? There's like 100 3p companies doing one at the moment, why him? So I think TT doesn't even acknowledge 3p companies existence really. They do what they want, at their own pace. We will definitely get them all. Wouldn't surprise me if they announce something as obscure as the Insecticons next.

This ends today, aside from Guttur, I'm selling all my 3p stuff this week. While great looking and great build quality, I'm an official fan all the way first and foremost.

PO'd Toon red Alert as well, and selling the Original. After playing with Shockwave for a bit, I'm really digging the whole Toon accuracy even more.
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MP inferno looks like it could be up next from Takara. I have MMC's version on order, which should be due very soon, but I'll wait until Takara have shown more than a sillouette before I decide its fate.

View attachment 259536
Very surprising.

I feel like the reveal of this figure will answer a lot of questions regarding the future of the line. The fact that they're displaying him with "anime color edition" Red Alert definitely has me nervous. I feel like things can only go one of three ways:

1. "Anime Color Edition" becomes the new standard retail release, and they discontinue the previous aesthetic of MP-10 thru MP-28 featuring high-constrast colors and chrome (really hope this isn't the case).

2. Standard retail releases abandon the "anime color" finish that MP-29 Shockwave got stuck with and return to previous aesthetics, with a dedicated "Anime Color Edition" arriving at a later time exclusive to TTMall.

3. A standard retail release with high-constrasting colors and chrome is revealed simultaneously with the TTMall-exclusive "Anime Color Edition" so consumers can make an educating buying decision (I really hope this is the direction the move forward with).
Inferno eh?

That's another one nobody saw coming, just like Primal.

I paid for MMC Inferno literally 2 days ago so I'll stick with that.
Very surprising.

I feel like the reveal of this figure will answer a lot of questions regarding the future of the line. The fact that they're displaying him with "anime color edition" Red Alert definitely has me nervous. I feel like things can only go one of three ways:

1. "Anime Color Edition" becomes the new standard retail release, and they discontinue the previous aesthetic of MP-10 thru MP-28 featuring high-constrast colors and chrome (really hope this isn't the case).

2. Standard retail releases abandon the "anime color" finish that MP-29 Shockwave got stuck with and return to previous aesthetics, with a dedicated "Anime Color Edition" arriving at a later time exclusive to TTMall.

3. A standard retail release with high-constrasting colors and chrome is revealed simultaneously with the TTMall-exclusive "Anime Color Edition" so consumers can make an educating buying decision (I really hope this is the direction the move forward with).

#1 I'm thinking is where they're going given how Shockwave turned out. If that's the case I can basically just start ignoring HasTak altogether. I'm really not keen on the low detail low contrast look.
Give me a break. You're being way too indignant. I've posted as much as anyone here, talking about the various 3rd party figures I own and plan to pick up. I just thought it was a funny gif. And true that I would prefer official products over 3rd party ones whenever possible.
Give me a break. You're being way too indignant. I've posted as much as anyone here, talking about the various 3rd party figures I own and plan to pick up. I just thought it was a funny gif. And true that I would prefer official products over 3rd party ones whenever possible.

The gif. in question was yet another thinly veiled attack on me from the same person who's been pulling the same s**t for months now without any action being taken.

It appeared that you joining in with that so that was why I reacted in that way.

If that wasn't the case than fair enough, it can be difficult to determine these things sometimes.
I'm fine with 3p. But to me they are just placeholders until the real thing comes out.

There hasn't been one single instance in which I would've preferred any 3p figure over an official one.
Sorry,but Takara is NOT the gold standard for transformers....There are some really good 3rd party masterpieces that look and fit right in as if they were made by Takara.How does the label make Takara superior to ALL things transformers?
I'm fine with 3p. But to me they are just placeholders until the real thing comes out.

There hasn't been one single instance in which I would've preferred any 3p figure over an official one.

I've no problem with that as you aren't taking a cheap shot at the expense of those with a differing viewpoint.

Plenty of people here don't agree with my present stance on Takara, the difference is they manage to be adults about it.

Bakasana developed a chip on the shoulder months ago and despite offering nothing else to the thread always manages to have some kind of dig at me even when I've been positive about official figures.

If I hated Takara as much as he seems to think I wouldn't have paid UK import prices for all this lot,

Not pictured = 2 Takara MP10's

Waiting for release = MP Optimus Primal x2
I'm more into modernized smaller scale figures (CHUG or Classics as some call them) rather than the MP stuff. I do dig some of the MP stuff though. Anyway, for me third party is kinda the only option for high quality stuff in that scale/style. Some of the HasTak mass market stuff is decent but it really doesn't compare to the third part offerings. So I find myself pretty much only buying third party stuff. ::shrug:: I don't really have any opinions beyond that. Hell I don't even care if someone is buying straight up bootlegs. Spend your money how you want I figure.