"Analize",guvna! With that post you further prove my point ignorant people refuse to see ignorant examples of racism.
But if you're happy then I am happy.
And thus you seem it perfectly ok to insult somebodies intelligence just because they choose not to let a couple of stupid FICTIONAL alien robotic characters that turn into cars bother them if they act a bit like stereo-typical "hip-gangsta"-types. (note, not racist. They acted more like white southern hick types who have listened to too much "fiddy cent" more than anything)
HA! "Ignorant", what a statement coming from an american! No, i just think its stupid to focus so much attention on two stupid characters from a film who barely had 5 minutes of screen time as being "racist" when there are FAR worse examples out there to worry about.
Its nothing to do with "ignorance" or naivety, its called having your priorities straight, sunshine. (since you insist on using the lame Guy-Richie speak then i figured id join in, guv'.)
(BTW is the word "analize" that funny to you?)