Thought i might as well post this here now.
Heres a custom ROTF leader Prime that i did for BCM's birthday.
Let me know what you think.
wow , i love it ,how long it took you to paint it?
Thought i might as well post this here now.
Heres a custom ROTF leader Prime that i did for BCM's birthday.
Let me know what you think.
@dubcustomz- Excellent work on that Prime! The weathering, more accurate flames, detailing on the mechanics and articulated fingers are all just superb. Outstanding piece!!!
wow , i love it ,how long it took you to paint it?
Generations Arcee and Starscream are NOT happening, those listings that appeared in TRU or Wal-Mart store computers a while back actually turned out to be for the toys of those characters from the Prime cartoon so anyone waiting for an official G1 style Arcee are out of luck.
Even if the line continues in the US ( It ended here at wave 2 ) I expect little but retools of the more recent molds with new headsculpts.........Perceptor is already confirmed to be retooled as Reflector and from the headsculpt on the illustrations in his instructions it seems Warpath will be retooled into Hardhead.
With a new movie line to push I hardly see Hasbro spending their budget on some all new Generations molds as it'd mean they couldn't make as many new versions of Bumblebee.
Those custom TF masterpieces are awesome! Especially that Masterpiece Megatron!
Agreed. Amazingly awesome work on all of them.
unless they scrapped it, there is a Car Arcee in the works. I believe they mentioned it at the SDCC panel last year? I forget. Either way, I expect we will see what, if anything they have planned for generations at Botcon.
I think I'll just get the iGear Arcee as if Hasbro's still happens it'll inevitably be nothing like the G1 design as they seem to feel obligated to reimagine everything nowadays.
I think I'll just get the iGear Arcee as if Hasbro's still happens it'll inevitably be nothing like the G1 design as they seem to feel obligated to reimagine everything nowadays.
Amazing customs. Amazing.