i still need to pick up generations Kup and Scourge
i still need to pick up generations Kup and Scourge
Glad you like the pics!
I feel the same way about the 'Bug but if you think about it a New Beetle would fit with the Classics theme of being updates of the G1 originals.
If you get some Classics style TF's I'd recommend.
1.United Jazz
2.United Tracks
3.Generations Warpath
4.Henkei Sunstreaker
5.Universe 2.0 Sideswipe
1.Universe 2.0, Henkei or "Battle in Space" 2-pack Cyclonus
2.United or Generations Scourge
3.Generations Thrust
4.Generations Dirge
5.Classics or Henkei Ramjet
Me too, I should of got it when I saw them. But I did one more stop at Walmart and picked up dirge and red alert, will get cliffjumper and soundwave next time.
Is there a list of the generations series that started in 2010? I need a lot of catching up to do.
Taking a look on Ebay now... yikes, $50 for that Jazz?
Guess a lot of these aren't cheap eh? Was United a Japan-only line or something? Any chance of it coming to North America?
I disagree about united. given the choice between 50$ for United Jazz, and the 7$ I paid for RTS, I'm FINE with RTS. a little paint fixes him up just fine.
especially if you tend to leave them in 'bot mode.
I just picked up the Megatron Mechtech level 2 figure. Pretty BadA$$, i like the look and the detail. Hes very battle damaged because of what happened in Egypt during ROTF.
Meh, white, off-white. it's a toy. it was intended to retail for 15ishUSD. It's still available at retail ( granted, united is starting to dry up, as takara has said it's done). so paying more than that is more or less, allowing yourself to get ripped off. I've got Generations Drift, and will get generations Wheeljack as well.
These are made by Hasbro, and are Carded action figures. Paying that amount of money for it is just not worth it to me. EVEN for a character I love, Like Jazz.
Now, if it was an ultra-rare 3rd party toy, OR had been off the market for 10 to 15 years, that'd be another story.
jetwing optimus prime... japan exclusive, cool!!!!!!
Yeah United is Japan only, but they are well worth the extra cost, especially Jazz. No chance of them coming to the US, and the RTS equivalent is just false economy in comparison to the United one, because you will always want the United version if you settle for the RTS one.
Other classics toys you should look for are:
Voyager Prime.
Deluxe Bumblebee.
Henkei Prowl.
Henkei Hound.
You get what you pay for, and the cheap RTS version is certainly an inferior product in every way possible (i know since i have both). And its not like "a bit of paint" fixes anything, because its the plastic in which Jazz is molded in which makes the United version superior every time. The white is the best you'll find on any tf, unlike the RTS version which is almost translucent so barring a full on repaint and disassembly a few touch ups are like polishing a turd.
The extra silver and better stripes go a long way on the united one too, especially in bot mode.
Thanks for the info - decided to just go for it. Got him from Agesthreeandup.com. I was looking for something else to get from them since they're the only one with WST Grimlock still, it seems. Guess I put off getting him for too long too!
I'll take a look at those others. Seems like these might fit better with the Starscream-scaled MPs/Faith Leader than the Alternators. I've seen pics of Hound at least and he looks good. Prowl and Sunstreaker are among my favourites, so maybe I'll get them as well.
Since reading "All Hail Megatron" (the Dutch PX over here had them!!!), I kind of want to get Drift as well...
Very good to know - is this true of all the Japanese versions?