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you sure? I mean, they look great. but the MP seeker reviews are stating they are POS.

Whch ones? i've only been able to find one review of the igear Jet figure, and it was initially bad, however, he later discovered his only problem with it ( not being able to stand properly) was a mis-transformation issue.

was hoping peague would have a review of it, but not yet.
Time for the iGear haters to eat some humble pie,

Who cares that they're not official, they're so far ahead of any official attempt at a G1 style Ironhide & Ratchet that the lack of license is utterly irrelevant.

"TFC - Not Devy" was going to be my last TF purchase this year (with the the DOTM figures taking over at retail) and then I was going to focus on picking up Hot Toys figs for the rest of the year.

Then IGear show us these :gah:
There are some even better pics of the unpainted prototypes on TFWorld now. These guys look amazing !!!

Awsome stuff :hi5:

Hasbro's can't look up AT ALL unless some kind of mod is made and looks awful in both modes.

There's no problems with my RTS Grapple, I may paint the crane hook chrome silver but that's all that really needs doing.

Cool, some money saved... So are they just identical, minus the problems you mentioned the Japanese version had?

Why did you think Henkei Inferno was superior though? Is the brighter red just more G1 accurate?
it blows my mind how small non-Ratchet/Ironhide's vehicle mode is compared to their alt mode size. I'll probably only pick up Ironhide though
Cool, some money saved... So are they just identical, minus the problems you mentioned the Japanese version had?

Why did you think Henkei Inferno was superior though? Is the brighter red just more G1 accurate?

The two have a different shade of yellow plastic and there's a couple of minor details that're painted on one and not the other but it's so minor that it's not really worth the extra.

As for Inferno, I prefer it because of the chrome on several panels and the water cannon, but the Hasbro one is OK too.
And that excuses iGear, how? They should have caught this, especially with the sniper rifle they included.

Maybe it's something that has been fixed already. According to fabemax at TFW some of those pics are a few months old so until the final release pics surface I wouldn't write anything off.

Were Ironhide & Ratchet released by anyone other than iGear they wouldn't be held up to anything like the same scrutiny and I think people are just looking for petty little things to criticise because they stole a few official designs in the past.
you know, when you think about it... igear is kinda sorta becoming the hot toys of transformers...

if they can keep a good QC running that is.
Maybe it's something that has been fixed already. According to fabemax at TFW some of those pics are a few months old so until the final release pics surface I wouldn't write anything off.

Were Ironhide & Ratchet released by anyone other than iGear they wouldn't be held up to anything like the same scrutiny and I think people are just looking for petty little things to criticise because they stole a few official designs in the past.

Yeah, I think you're right.

But really, by any standard, they look awesome. I will definitely be buying these.

Conehead seekers, not so sure - but that's really a price issue more than anything else.
Yeah, I think you're right.

But really, by any standard, they look awesome. I will definitely be buying these.

Conehead seekers, not so sure - but that's really a price issue more than anything else.

Apparently the plastic quality on Ironhide & Ratchet is going to be improved from Faith Leader and a couple of Conehead reviews have said the plastic is more or less the same as the official MP Seekers so it seems iGear are stepping up their game quite significantly and providing they can steer clear of legal issues the PP line is set to be something truly special.

With Ironhide & Ratchet confirmed as both being PP-05 the speculation for others continues. The current lineup is,

PP-01= Faith Leader & variants.
PP-02 = Was rumored to be Horror Monarch but may actually be something else.
PP-03 = MP Coneheads.
PP-04 = Rumored to be Bumblebee & Cliffjumper.
PP-05 = Ironhide & Ratchet.

Impactor is the other character that's been more or less confirmed by fabexmax so that's already a strong lineup.

What other characters would others like to see?

My top 3 Autobots,

1.Blaster ( A non transforming version so the robot mode could be as good as possible. G1 tapes would fit in the chest and a mini version of his boombox mode could be one of the accessories. )

2.IDW Kup ( They've already got the heads done. )

3.IDW Blurr ( based on the Spotlight issue.)

My top 3 Decepticons,

1.Galvatron ( Same G1 aesthetic as used with Ironhide & Ratchet. )

2.Shockwave ( See Galvatron )

3.IDW Thunderwing ( Ultra Class )
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I'm not all that interested in non-transformable TFs in the vast majority of cases, so I would pass on anything like that.

But my top 5 list of Igear styled, G1 upgrades that Hasbro/Takara are unwilling to give us as I want them would be:

1) Soundwave w/loads of tapes!

2) Blitzwing

3) Wheeljack

4) Brawn

5) Seaspray

Powerglide would come in 6th.
Apparently the plastic quality on Ironhide & Ratchet is going to be improved from Faith Leader and a couple of Conehead reviews have said the plastic is more or less the same as the official MP Seekers so it seems iGear are stepping up their game quite significantly and providing they can steer clear of legal issues the PP line is set to be something truly special.

With Ironhide & Ratchet confirmed as both being PP-05 the speculation for others continues. The current lineup is,

PP-01= Faith Leader & variants.
PP-02 = Was rumored to be Horror Monarch but may actually be something else.
PP-03 = MP Coneheads.
PP-04 = Rumored to be Bumblebee & Cliffjumper.
PP-05 = Ironhide & Ratchet.

Impactor is the other character that's been more or less confirmed by fabexmax so that's already a strong lineup.

What other characters would others like to see?

My top 3 Autobots,

1.Blaster ( A non transforming version so the robot mode could be as good as possible. G1 tapes would fit in the chest and a mini version of his boombox mode could be one of the accessories. )

2.IDW Kup ( They already have the heads done. )

3.IDW Blurr ( Based on the Spotlight issue. )

My top 3 Decepticons,

1.Galvatron ( Same G1 aesthetic as used with Ironhide & Ratchet. )

2.Shockwave ( See Galvatron. )

3.IDW Thunderwing ( Ultra Class. )

For me, it'd be:

1. Soundwave (assuming HasTak doesn't come out with an MP version - but then again, who knows what size it'd be? I'm talking about Faith Leader/MP Seekers size)
2. Shockwave

After this it's much more difficult to come up with anything... I definitely want these two more than any others.

3. Ultra Magnus, I suppose - a proper one, I mean. Whether that means an armour set for the white Prime or whatever... Speaking of which, I may just buy the white Faith Leader because of this...

4. Blaster

5. Perceptor

I'd also take Galvatron, Rodimus Prime, Trailbreaker/Hoist (assuming Hasbro/TakaraTomy doesn't do Classics versions properly or at all), Insecticons, Blitzwing, Kup, Blurr, any of the cassettes...

BTW, who is Impactor?


Is this scale right? I always thought that Ironhide was closer to Optimus in height.

BTW, I may dislike iGear, but if they come out with a comic-accurate Guzzle I will scoop that up in an instant. Love that little guy.


That size would be perfect... Ironhide/Ratchet should be smaller than Optimus, but a bit bigger than the rest of the Autobot '84/'85 cast (which I guess I'll be representing with Classics/Henkei, once I get this collection going).

Who's Guzzle?
Quick newb question, btw: can I still get Classics/Universe Wheeljack at stores, or should I just bite the bullet and get it online somewhere?

Ditto Warpath and RTS Grapple. Warpath's growing on me... despite that he's a made-up tank, it IS kind of cool that it's Halo-inspired, I guess! Bot mode looks great too.
Quick newb question, btw: can I still get Classics/Universe Wheeljack at stores, or should I just bite the bullet and get it online somewhere?

Ditto Warpath and RTS Grapple. Warpath's growing on me... despite that he's a made-up tank, it IS kind of cool that it's Halo-inspired, I guess! Bot mode looks great too.

Warpath and Wheeljack are shipping in the same cases with Kup, thundercracker, and Scourge. as long as you see kup and scourge, your area is still getting them. as they're new, they're still selling out fast.

My advice is to find out when your local stores get restock, and be there that same day, as early as you can. or atleast approximately when they unpack them. or just wait a few months.

as for RTS grapple, bite the bullet. RTS is no longer shipping to stores.
MP Hasbro Rodimus Prime will come out in Juli '11 and cost 50 bucks at retail!

BTW, who is Impactor?

Who's Guzzle?

They're G1 comic characters that appeared in the old Marvel comics, and reappeared last year in IDW's fantastic Last Stand of the Wreckers mini-series. I recommend picking it up, because it really is one of the best Transformer stories out there.


Guzzle is the short guy with the tank barrel on his back:


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