I bet that Unicron would look nice displayed with some WST Transformers.
Bring on IGear G1 Autobots Sideswipe and Sunstreaker!!!
more Autobots!!! been waiting for cartoon accurate Tformers of G1
Yes. Check picture 4 in the link in my last post.
The Seekers/Grimlock scale is pretty good, but Rodimus is in a scale of his own for whatever reason
Warpath and Wheeljack are shipping in the same cases with Kup, thundercracker, and Scourge. as long as you see kup and scourge, your area is still getting them. as they're new, they're still selling out fast.
My advice is to find out when your local stores get restock, and be there that same day, as early as you can. or atleast approximately when they unpack them. or just wait a few months.
as for RTS grapple, bite the bullet. RTS is no longer shipping to stores.
Picked up DOTM Sideswipe and Jolt today. I really like the new design for Jolt.
Is jolt gonna have more screen time in TF3?
BTW tru had BOGO half of on TF3. They also had 2 exclusive deluxe, ota sideswipe and ironhide scanning mode with half clear and half painted figures.
>Q: Arcee, if she is in Prime will she not be in Generations in Classics style? Articulated human sidekicks? A: Will take humans under consideration. Arcee- something cool for the end of the year. Can't announce it now. Wait and see.
Is jolt gonna have more screen time in TF3?
BTW tru had BOGO half of on TF3. They also had 2 exclusive deluxe, ota sideswipe and ironhide scanning mode with half clear and half painted figures.
If iGear make more cartoon accurate versions of characters that already have a decent official release I'd still replace the CHUG versions in my collection like a shot.
It looks like the Wreckers are in their immediate future plans so we may not see them for a while but when you consider the repaint potential with the likes of Prowl, Bluestreak & Smokescreen then I don't think it's out of the realms of possibility that they could be made.
iGear reveal plans for more Minibots,
Top row,
Seaspray ( obviously ), Beachcomber, Brawn & Wheelie
Bottom row,
Huffer ( obviously ), Pipes, Powerglide & Cosmos
Can't wait to see protos of the others!