Where is the link of the image?
Here goes,
Where is the link of the image?
I have to disagree with this mate.
I think it's safe to assume that the film is going to offer "more of the same". If you loved the fist two you will probably love this one. If you hated the first two you will probably hate this one. Personally I don't like the movie franchise because I don't like the movie designs and I don't like Bays style of movie making. I have seen enough to be able to make a judgement that the new film won't be something I'll enjoy.
For example you didn't like Animated (which is fair enough) but I expect you haven't seen all of them? Did you make a decision from season 1 that you weren't going to bother with season 2 and 3 because it wasn't your thing? It's the same thing with the movies for me and many other people I don't need to see DOTM to know I wouldn't enjoy it.
I'm not going to rag on the movie though and all power to those that are looking forward to it. I hope it makes another shedload of money and continues to raise the profile of the franchise.
does anyone know if the TFC HERCULES, (DEVASTATOR) is going be G1 acurate? because the pictures show it having the same robot for each leg and arm?
or maybey theyll develop the mixmaster and bonecrusher later? i hope![]()
Whilst their popularity has been good for the franchise as a whole I think the first 2 were pretty lame aside from a few small moments and ultimately not worth sitting through all the crappy bits for so I won't be bothering with DOTM.
This doesn't make me a "hater", I just don't care about the Bayformers movies or related toys and consider them unimportant to my enjoyment of Transformers as a franchise.
I made a nice bit of cash from ebay sales today so the next TFC Constructicon and half of the expected total for iGear Ironhide is now covered!![]()
I think Silent Bob summed things up pretty eloquently. But it's nice to know that you are one of the 3 or 4 self-proclaimed objective assessors of this board, who watch movies and TV shows, read books, eat at restaurants, choose routes to drive to work, etc. with absolutely no preconceived baggage and expectations based on who made it, what it's about, what history suggests, etc. All of us idiots must bow down to the justified self-righteousness of those who don't use any filter regarding what they will see or do in life, and thus must sit through every sequel of "Big Momma's House" and parody comedy like "Superhero Movie" in order to judge each subsequent film based on its stand-alone merits. Bravo to you, good sir. BRAVO!And again, (this isnt aimed at anyone in particular)its downright idiotic to judge a movie that you havent seen. Nobody has a right to an opinion of a movie they havent seen yet, unless said movie has the word "twilight" in the title or something lol.
A few people I know on another board went to the UK premiere of DOTM, and they sound nice and balanced. I'd link them, but it's a closed board, and copy pasting it all is too much of a hassle. So I'll just post a quick writeup of the noticeable stuff:
-More coherent story that doesn't take wild leaps that ROTF did, has some genuine dark and shocking moments
-Opinions are divided on whether it's better or worse then TF1, but it is absolutely NOT the disaster that ROTF was
-Humor is toned down to TF1 levels, but is still there and some of it sucks
-Rosie is okay, bit better then Megan, her role was also obviously written for the latter
-Sam has some significant character growth
-FAR more focus on the Transformers this time, including character development and moments between them
-Little to no shakeycam
-VERY G1, though in some ways not how you'd expect (whatever that means)
-It almost doesn't feel like a Bay movie. One compared this movie being Bay's "Spielberg War of the Worlds" movie, take that how you will
-Humans can still take down Transformers
-It does drag on a bit towards the end, characters still disappear and reappear
-3D is very good, but doesn't enhance the experience like Avatar's 3D did
So it sounds like an improvement, but chances are that if you didn't like the first two, you won't like this one either, despite the improvements.
They're still working on Mixmaster and Bonecrusher, they just used copies as stand ins.
neet looking... but it looks Kinda... tiny. isn''t hybrid style convoy the one that's abut the same size as revoltech prime?
does anyone know if the TFC HERCULES, (DEVASTATOR) is going be G1 acurate? because the pictures show it having the same robot for each leg and arm?
or maybey theyll develop the mixmaster and bonecrusher later? i hope![]()
Yes but if you look at the newest pics there's no mention of Takara Hybrid Style which has lead to speculation they've gone in a bigger direction.
It would be a huge leap from the World's Smallest Transformers they've made previously but there seems to be a friendly rivalry in the 3rd party world with groups exchanging ideas so the possibility that they've had some assistance with designing a Masterpiece Snarl isn't out of the question.
I hope you're right. Snarl was the only dinobot i had as a kid, and i'd love a MP version. also,Big Grim needs his squad.
Oh, I'm sorry. Who was the one employing childish name-calling? Don't dish it out if you can't take it. I figure that's something a number of board members could learn a bit about.Bah, theres no need to be an d!ck about it.
Oh, I'm sorry. Who was the one employing childish name-calling? Don't dish it out if you can't take it. I figure that's something a number of board members could learn a bit about.
I think the movies are OK once or twice but after that I found myself skipping all the bad bits on the DVD just for the action scenes and even those soon become tedious as half the time the robots collide into a mass of indecipherable polygons and the overused shaky cam gives me a headache.
Erm..hold your horses mister, who exactly did i call a name?
Please enlighten me, as i must have completely missed the part where i put your name next to a word like "idiot" or something along those lines. The only part i see in my post which you could be talking about was where i said: "And again, (this isnt aimed at anyone in particular)its downright idiotic to judge a movie that you havent seen. Nobody has a right to an opinion of a movie they havent seen yet, unless said movie has the word "twilight" in the title or something lol."
And if you had bothered to read you would have seen that i explicitly said: "this isnt aimed at anyone in particular" and mearly mentioned i think its idiotic to judge a movie without seeing it first, especially when you claim to be a fan of the franchise said movie is all about.
Note i said "idiotic", as in to do something idiotic, not "idiot" as in being and idiot.