My personal fav horror film of all time. Do yourself a favor and watch this.. I think it may even be free on Netflix or Amazon Prime.. SO there really is no excuse Snake.
Edit : Nope.. Just checked... Not on Netflix or Prime.. Just buy the damn thing
AWIL used humor in the best way that a horror film could use humor. It came naturally by the craziness of the situation... No one liners just for one liner's sake.
Take the London Zoo scene.. Funny and realistic. I mean... What does happen the next day after you turn back.
Just can't agree with you on this one. The Humor and horror in this film was handled better then any other film IMO... Its a true horror film that happens to have some funny moments.
Such a great film.
I like Dog Soldiers also though. Great film. Just nowhere near to my heart as AWIL is.
Also AWIL has what is IMO the best opening 15 min ever in cinematic history. It flows perfectly.. Getting to know and appreciate Jack and David and their friendship.. The slaughtered lamb and then the moors scene. I love everything about it and the ending attack on the moors is the one of the great death scenes of all time.