Anakin Skywalker PF Image Thread

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Anyway...more cool pics from grond33:

I just reordered Anakin the other night and now I find myself wanting Maul too. :monkey2

And Boba :banghead
The best move SS could do now is release EP3 PF Obi Wan. Companion piece for Anakin. Then I think Anakin would sell-out. But a day later i can't stop admiring this piece.
Hey guys,

I got a copy of this piece this week, and I'm really impressed by it. The outfit is just amazing...I'm most impressed with how that all came together. He looks good with or without his Jedi robe.

To answer the question I saw about the two heads-they're identical sculpts. We didn't do any alterations, it was all paint, and perhaps lighting, that gave that impression. :)

So yeah, if you've got this piece on order...I would think you'll really like how it turned out. the sculpted parts all came through just about exactly as they were when I turned him in. and the outfit is superb, in my eyes...the tunic can be tugged down a bit below the belt...if I had any criticism, it would be that that piece of clothing could have been about a half an inch longer.


ps- I had a bit of trouble getting the saber to light up...Just had to fiddle with the arm connection.

Thanks for the confirmation, Trev! Great job on the sculpt!
That's if you buy into Lucas' revisionism. It only became "Anakin's story" when he decided he was going to do the prequels.

That said, Anakin will always be somewhat of a character of mystique for me because of Vader. And this is one outstanding-looking PF. :rock

I'll politely disagree. ROTJ was all about Anakin. All about him.
To take a page from Josh's book:

Since we're discussing collectibles here, my point is that people don't necessarily have to build their collections around the G-canon. It's whatever their personal tastes, space and budgets allow..

I couldn't agree more.

Technically, without the original '77 SW, we wouldn't be having this conversation about Anakin. ;)

Yeah, and still to this day I consider the scene where Anakin walks through the door of the Blockade Runner to be the defining moment. The second I went from playing with my Pulsar figure and digging Batman above all else to being a part of the first Star Wars Generation. After ROTS I saw the character in a new, much more tragic light, but dollars to donuts, that is Anakin Skywalker in ANH, TESB, and ROTJ.

ANH Vader has always been my personal favourite, and I'm stoked that the first armoured Vader in all scales has been based on this version of the character. If you're ever in the same room as me, sit down for a drink and I'll bend your ear for hours on my love of this character through all six episodes of the Star Wars saga.
I'll politely disagree. ROTJ was all about Anakin. All about him.

ROTJ was about Anakin in the same way Raiders of the Lost Ark was about the Ark. Its not the main character, its just what the main character is after. I definitely side with the majority in seeing Return of the Jedi as the culmination of Luke's story, even if the end product of Luke becoming a Jedi was the redemption of Anakin Skywalker.

That being said I'm still a card carrying PT apologist and have no problems with the overall SW saga as its presented today being Anakin's tale, or possibly more aptly "Anakin and the Skywalkers."
I still don't really see Star Wars as Anakin's tale. I see it more as the story of the Skywalker family or something.
Exactly, it's the Skywalker family tale (a father and son story if you will). The old trilogy is not primarily Anakin's/Vader's story, otherwise Lucas would have chosen the wrong perspective. No matter what he says today... :)
Sigh...after seeing these pics it is making me REALLY want this PF because it would go great with my PF Asajj. However, I just got Asajj and I have the She-Predator Machiko and Rogue Comiquette coming in the next few weeks...decisions, decisions...
Thanks for all the pic's guys...made my decision to cancel a lot easier.Good luck to peeps on the waitlist.
I think it looks pretty awesome. The Sith head is a must exclusive, and I think it looks kick ass on display. All these huge face close-ups don't really give it a fair shake. It has no bearing on what it looks like displayed.

To be honest, after seeing some of the photos on here, I started to not even open the box. I was going to just go ahead and call Sideshow and tell them to come get the damn thing. After opening it up and messing with it for a little bit, I think it makes a damn fine display piece. Stop worrying about every eyelash and enjoy!!!









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I just reordered Anakin the other night and now I find myself wanting Maul too. :monkey2

And Boba :banghead

I should be getting my Anakin Ex on Monday. Every time I look at the Maul I start to rethink the whole 1/6th line and just go PF. The thought of tracking down a PF Grievous makes me want to cry though. Exclusive or otherwise.

The PF road is dangerous and harrowing. Only the bravest and most reckless dare walk it with an open wallet.