What's funny about people thinking Trev is the saving grace of the line is the fact that he's had so little a part of it to date and the line has been getting better and better with each new release, Yavin Luke being the only seeming step backward. Trev's Ben is undeniably amazing, but it also has some of the best paint apps. I think Mat's ANH Luke for the Yavin figure captures Hammil, in Mat's style, and blends well with the Bespin and Jedi portraits, but the paint apps weren't the best in the line and didn't highlight his efforts as well.
Trev, in his humble way, is right in that it takes more steps from what he does to deliver the final piece that woo's us. Ben's sculpt is great, but if his paint hadn't turned out so well it may not have been the awesome figure we all think it is, but paint was right and tailoring and accessories well done also.
Trev hasn't save this line, Sideshow is growing and getting better, it's just coincidental that at the point where SSC is really rolling out their best stuff yet, Trev happens to be the sculptor tasked with the portraits of these figures. I'm sure if Palps and Sidious turn out as well as Ben, people will start singing Oluf's praises. I admit I praise Trev's awesome work, but I also do it for all the sculptors and if I knew names that went into the other parts of their figures I'd give them props, especially things like the Old Ben saber hilt, it's extremely detailed for such a small accessory and someone put a lot of quality time and work into it which paid off.
I'm glad to get portraits by Trev, but if he wasn't doing them, we'd still be getting great figures.
I favor some of the sculptors over others not because I feel they're better, but like any art, there's a style and I happen to like a certain style, like preferring a DaVinci over a Picasso, they both did people, but I prefer DaVinci's method of presenting them. I'm detailed in my artwork, so I find favor for other artist that focus on and capture the minute details in pieces.