All the headaches in this thread aren't worth the few bucks saved to me.
I guess I can understand there being issues when you have your stock tied in with that of the brick-and-mortar stores, but it still seems odd that there could be such a difference between the listed stock and the stock actually available. They had quite a number of Iron Man figures shown as being in stock. Has anyone actually gotten one shipped yet? I don't recall.
I received the phone call for my Hellboy a few days ago, but no charge or shipping notice yet.
Oh, I wouldn't think that Hellboy would be a problem. He's still in stock on the site isn't he?
Has anyone gotten Iron Man for sure?
I believe everyone's getting their Iron Man orders cancelled.
i got my Vader today ... came in ok ... but they shipped it from a local store ... they did not box it up just wraped it up in brown paper