Hello Anime fans.
Just to introduce myself.
My First Hot Toys figure (of which I have 3) was the Deunan Knute figure. Love the character and the fact that her suit hides all the joints and just looks cool made me take the 1\6 scale plunge.
Later Bairn
I thought I'd better post it here...
Hobby Search got hacked! If you are a customer of Hobby Search and had ever paid for anything with your credit card, check your billing statements for any suspicious charges !!!
I received an e-mail with details and apologizes, long and stupid, but well, I posted it in my blog, if anyone is interested.
I think your photography is superb!
I also received the email from Hobby Search warning me they got hacked!
I have been a long time customer and really hated the fact they held on to my credit card info. The apology was lame.
Now, I think I will try someone else. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I thought I'd better post it here...
Hobby Search got hacked! If you are a customer of Hobby Search and had ever paid for anything with your credit card, check your billing statements for any suspicious charges !!!
I received an e-mail with details and apologizes, long and stupid, but well, I posted it in my blog, if anyone is interested.