the reason there are so few threads is that right now, we have them clustered by manufacuer.
The equivilant to this would be if ALL hot toys releases, for example, Were all ONLY talked about in a "General hot toys" thread.
Imagine how frsustrating it would be if All Marvel, Batman, and etc pieces were located in a single thread instead of getting theor own individual discussions.
This can make those a little confusing, and slower moving, becuase not everyone wants to scroll through the ENTIRE thing to talk about or read what they want.
I understand, I remember how it was before HT got their sections, all their threads taking over the statue/main sections, I hated it. So I can imagine what you're saying, thanks for the explanation

There are alot anime related stuff that never gets mention.
I didn't realise that, as I say I'm not into anime so don't know much about it other than what I've seen here, and what I've seen here this far is not much activity (that I have seen though Imay have missed some).
If there is enough traffic and members wanting it to warrant a section and Dave allows it then good for you guys.
Then we need sections for collectibles based on scale then. Because discussing all misc figures in all scales alongside general chat threads in one subforum is too crowded.
I feel it would be constructive for Darklord Dave and the mods to have a conference to all get on the same page as to what the board is all about. If the consensus is that the board rules need to be re-written, so be it.
You and kara seem to be at cross purposes already. Darklord seems to be in support of "bootlegs". . . that term has changed meaning over the years. I don't think 'bootlegs' exist anymore and are very rare. If we took a hard and fast rule on bootlegs, then we couldn't discuss DID's MI6 or Chicago Gangster figures, nor could iminime show off their multitude of figures, nor Brothers Productions' Johnny or Android Hunter, a huge chunk of the Customs forum would shut down. Alas, I don't want to derail this thread, as I support the idea of a separate Anime forum. As kara noted, the statement of purpose for this forum is "one sixth figures to statues to prop replicas and anything in between", in general, "high-end" merchandise.
Now there are many smaller scale collectibles that are high-end, Play Arts, Figma and such, however, Mattel's Ghostbusters and MOTU, and Playmates' TMNT lines are not "high-end".
Can they be discussed here?? Sure.
Should they be discussed in the same sub-forum as high-end 1/6 figures?? No, I don't think they should.
Perhaps I am looking at this in the wrong direction. Instead of getting all this extra stuff out of General Collectibles, what about creating a new sub-forum that is dedicated to 1/6 scale figure discussion? Surely, if there's enough interest for an Anime section, there is enough interest for 1/6 to have its own sub-forum. Realistically, the GI Joe/Military/Historical forum is slow enough that it could be merged with the threads from Indy and Whedonville. Most of the threads in Military are Customs threads that should be moved into a re-vamped Customs sub-forum.
But anyways, I voted "yes" in the poll. Please stop quoting my posts as though I'm arguing against it.
I have not quoted your post implying you're against anything, I certainly didn't mention which way you voted. I merely responded to your post which stated 'this forum is a 1/6 forum', and I did that because it is not. That is all I said
No harm done, I meant no offence by saying that, I was just pointing out that anything collectible can be discussed here and it's certainly not just a 1/6 forum.
When I referred to 'bootlegs' I was meaning the Statues as we have a zero tolerance policy on those and that is listed within the rules of the forum, I did not mean 1/6 as they are a different and far more complex animal. So in that respect I was referring to statues rather than figs and/or customs.
All active figs can be discussed in this section as per the bi line, but I do think it would be a good idea for a 'general 1/6' section (I like that suggestion), like you say it would split it out from those who collect 1/6 and those who look at threads for other sized figs/statues.
As I mentioned above I remember when the HT threads where in the main sections elsewhere and not being a HT collector, it was more frustrating than anything having the first page filled of HT Iron Man threads.
Anyway, if it can be done and if Dave thinks it will work and be useful and enjoyable, I hope those that want it, get the section.
